Chapter IV

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As always after school, I walk down the hall on my way ro the music room. My brows furrows when I saw Watanabe-san sitting on the floor in front of the music room. Her head is buried on her knees, I walk quickly feeling mad.

"Skipping class again?" I harshly said, she turns to look up to me, her eyes are red. She then stands up walking away from me.

"Hey, wait!" I ran after her and she's fast, I reach for her arm.

"What..." She turns and that's when I saw a bad bruise on her cheek. Feeling my anger subside, I take my hand on her other cheek to turn her head a little, so I can take a better look.

"What happened?" I ask worried, she just shakes her head and takes a step back.

"Like you care." She said, making me feel awful. She turns and walk away from me again.

"Wait." I called but she doesn't stop, I grab her hand to stop her.

"Let's go home." I said and she nods, her eyes always seen to look so sad and hurt.

We start to walk out of the school grounds, I turn to look at her and she looks like a sad little puppy. Her head down and her gaze stuck on her feet.

"You okay?" I ask, she nods carefully.

"You're not going to talk to me are you?" She shakes her head, I sigh and we just continue to walk in silence.


"You-chan, what happened to you?" Mom asks when we walk in the door. Watanabe-san walk towards the stairs to her room quickly.

Mom turns to me, "What happened to her?" she asks worried.

"I don't know, I was on my way to the music room when I saw her sitting on the floor. Then I saw that she has a bruise on her cheek." I said, mom massage her temple, worried.

"No one from school has called, so I guess she must have been hiding or something since the accident. Did she say anything?" I shake my head.

"I tried, but she doesn't want to talk to me." I tell her frustrated.

"Well at least you tried." She smiles, "I think we should give her some time and then I'll talk to her." She adds, I nod and walk towards my room, angry with Watanabe-san for not talking to me. She is so quiet and closed in, but I guess that's what I get for treating her bad since she came here and I understand if she hates me.


I wake up to the sound of the TV, I rub my eyes, I look at the clock and start walking downstairs, wondering who's still up in 2 am in the morning. There is no light in the room except the ones from the TV.

Watanabe-san is sitting on the couch, "Couldn't sleep?" I ask, she turns to look at me and nod. I sit down on the couch beside her.

"Why not?" I ask again, she just shake her head.

"You can tell me you know, maybe I can help you?" She shakes her head again. I wish she could open up a little, letting me know what's going on in her mind.

I turn to look at her and I can see the bruise on her cheek. I still feel awful, I should've been there and done something. Still she doesn't want to talk about what happened, mom and dad tried but she did not say anything.

She turns to look at me with the same shy smile she always has, she looks so tired ever since the day she came here.

"When was the last time you slept?" I ask, she just shrugs and turn to the TV again, I sigh. She is like a brick of wall, hard to get through.

I do not know one thing about her, what she likes to do, or not. I know it's too late to be her friend but at least I could try. The bruise she had on her cheek made me feel awful, I don't know where it came from or who did it.

But I know she did not deserve it, she's too vulnerable to make someone angry at her. She is the person who hides in the shadows, so no one can see her.

She turns to look at me again and I can barely see her. But the light from the TV makes me see her blue eyes, she looks so tired and it is starting to worry me.

"I'm sorry." I may do not know what she has been through but I could still try to get to know her and maybe she can open up to me a little bit. I could feel a lump in my throat.

"There is no need to apologize, it was my fault anyway."  Her words hit me in the heart, whatever happened to her is not her fault, ever.

"No." I say and she looks at me confused.

"Don't say that, don't blame yourself, I don't know what you have been through. But I am sure that you didn't deserve it." I can see that she is uncomfortable, she doesn't say anything and turn to the TV again.

I yawn and rub my eyes, feeling the tiredness came back. I do not like that she is blaming herself, she may not see it but she does not deserve any pain at all. I lean down on the couch, I closed my eyes feeling that I can't keep them up anymore. The sound of the TV makes me fall asleep.


The feeling of something moving underneath wakes me up, I yawn and open eyes, my breathe hitched when I find myself on top of Watanabe-san. My face down on her stomach, her arms wrapped around on my back.

We must have fallen asleep on the couch, I can feel her stomach move up and down, slowly under me. I gaze up at her, feeling my heart tingle again. Her eyes and mouth closed, I know I should move but if I do, I would wake her up and I don't know how much sleep she has gotten.

It is still dark outside, it's not just that I don't want to wake her also because the feeling upon her and in her arms feels good. I like her warmth and softness, her arms around me make me feel safe. I close my eyes and smile, I bury my face and my hands holding onto her hoodie, she is so soft.

[Author-san: Very gay Riko.]

After awhile, I feel that she starts moving. I open my eyes and look up to her, she is awake. She quickly moves her arms around me, she looks so shocked and uncomfortable. Her blue eyes staring at me. I can feel my  heart beating faster.

"You-chan are you okay?" she nods and I breathe out in relief, she gives me a crooked smile and said.

"You finally call me by my name." I can feel my cheeks warming up.

"Sorry." I tell her and avoiding her gaze.

"Can I ask you something?" she said and I look at her, her blue eyes staring at me, I nod.

"Why do you hate me?" She asks. I felt my heart in my throat, I did not expect that. I am horrible to her and she knows. Everyone knows. There is just something about her, and it is hard to explain.

"I don't hate you." I tell her and she chuckled pushing me gently and moving out of the couch. I stand in front of her.

"It's hard to believe." She says and walk past me towards the stairs and I stumbled after her.

"Wait You-chan." I called but she already walked inside her room closing the door, I sigh and head towards my room. I plopped down on my bed.

I have to admit that I have never met someone like her. She is so quite and calm. She is so fascinating because she is so hard to get through, there's so much more to her than she shows and I want to see all of that.

I just have to get through her in some way.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed and Thank you!

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