Chapter V

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After the couch accident, You-chan kept her distance away from me. Of course, we still go to school together, we sat in the car in silence though. It was awkward, my parents even asks if something was wrong but I just shrug.

I am angry with her for not believing me, I mentally face palm myself.

Of course she wouldn't believe you, you idiot! You treated her bad!

I groan, but when I saw her this morning. Her sad blue eyes are hunting me, looking at her gives me so many different emotions.

And here I am standing in front of the school entrance waiting for her, It's almost been twenty minutes and my patience is starting to run out. Most of the students already left.

"Still waiting for someone Riri?" I turn to look at Yoshiko-chan.

"Yeah, and your waiting for Hanamaru?" I said.

She hummed in response, "She said that she still needs to do some things in the library." I nodded and I sigh it's almost five-thirty.

Oh god what if something happened to her again?

"I'm going to look for her." I said and walk back inside the school.

"Hey wait! I'm coming with you!"


Minutes have passed and I can't still can't find her, I ran my hand through my hair, thinking that if something happened to her again. I don't think I can forgive myself for not keeping an eye on her.

"Maybe in the pool area?" Yoshiko-chan suggests since that's the only part of school we haven't gone through. I just sigh and made our way in the pool area.

What should she do there? She's not even on the swimming team, or she can swim. Yeah like you know anything about her Riko.

We turn the corner and heard the water splashing, I quickly walk towards the pool and to my surprise she is swimming, and wow she's fast.

She reaches to the other side of the pool, and she got out of the water and I just have to say that she's so sexy on her swimming suit, and her smooth legs-

My thoughts were cut when i heard Yoshiko-chan whistle quietly beside me, "She passed all of your standards hm?" She smugly said and has a shit eating grin on her face which I want to wipe off of her face.

"And let's not forget that you're a sucker for blue eyes." She added and I smack the back of her head.

"Shut up!" I hissed at her, feeling my cheeks on fire.

She rolled her eyes and smirk, I shake my head and walk towards You-chan, seems like she haven't noticed us yet. She sits on the corner of the pool and drinks her water.

"Didn't know you can swim" I said, she turns around to look at me, but then turns back fast and look down on the pool and I can see that her ears are red.

I can't stop the smile that comes to my face, she's cute when she's shy.

"You are staring again." Yoshiko-chan whispered on my ear and I turn to glare at her, she gave me a peace sign and I shake my head, I turn my attention to You-chan again.

"Why don't you try for the team?" I said as I walk closer to her, she shakes her head.

"What are you doing out here?" I asks.

"I thought that maybe you will leave without me so..." She itches the back of her neck.

"I wouldn't do that like last time, I waited for you." She looks at me now, her blue eyes sparkling and she has a small smile on her face.

"And I am sorry that I did that to you." I want her to know that I felt bad about that.

"It's okay.." she said, giving me her crooked smile making my heart tingle and her blue eyes. I like that look so much that I had to watch her a little longer than I should have.

I woke up from my daze when Yoshiko-chan cleared her throat, making You-chan to look at her.

"Hey You-chan!" Yoshiko-chan said cheerfully and You-chan greeted her shyly.

"Wait what?" I said confused, Yoshiko-chan laughed.

"I know her, she and Zuramaru hang out sometimes in the library so yeah." I made and 'o' face and turn to look at You-chan.

"You should get change, we should probably go home now." I said, she nods and head towards the locker room.

"So she's the one that you've been talking about." Yoshiko-chan chuckled.

"She's not that bad." she added and I nod.

"I know, I just judged her too soon. She's great." I said back, she raised her eye brows and shakes her head.

After awhile You-chan came back and we bid our goodbyes to Yoshiko-chan and head towards home. Were walking in silence but I decided to end it.

"Can I ask you something?" She looks at me skeptically, but nods.

"When did you start swimming?" She looks caught off guard, she did not expect me to ask that.

"Since I could walk, I guess." She shyly said, looking down. "My dad used to take me out on the pool and teaches me how." She looks up to the sky.

"Where's your parents now?" I asks, turns to look at me deeply in my eyes. They're telling me that she is hurt, sad, but mostly she looks tired.

"I just crossed the line didn't I?" she nods.

"But it's okay."she promised with a small smile on her face. That surprised me.

"I know you try and it's nice because most people  don't." she adds. It saddened me to hear that people doesn't even what to use their time to get to know her.

"I guess I am not like those people then." I said and she gave me her crooked smile. It warms my heart when I make her smile.

"So in a way, can I try to be you're friend?" I ask unsure and her smile disappear, she sighs and shakes her head.

"You don't even like me." Her words made me felt a pain in my heart. I stand in front of her, she chuckled at me, making my cheeks turn red.

"I like you." I tell her, she shakes her head.

"Why is it hard to believe?" I ask, she shakes her head again and I sigh.

I want her to know that I like her, even though she can drives me crazy.

She then starts to walk away from me, but I grab her hand, "You-chan stop." she stops and I move around and stand in front of her again.

"I like you, I know I have treated you bad and I am really sorry about that. I misjudged you." I said sincerely, looking straight into her eyes. She smiles then her cheeks turns red and I know mine is red too.

It looks like I'm confessing to her, and it made my heart beats faster.

"Alright.." she shyly said and look down at her feet.

She's so cute when she's shy.

I smile widely as we continue to walk towards home, and one thing that I have noticed that I was still holding her hand and she doesn't tried to let go. Feeling my heart beating faster as my cheeks warming up again.


A/N: Gay

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