Chapter 1

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The rain hammered endlessly against the windows. Another spasm shook the house as lightning crackled overhead.
"I didn't even get a notification for rain," my mom muttered from beside me.
I shrugged. "Must be a pop-up storm. Good thing we played outside when we did, huh, Chucky?"
My robotic doll's head clicked upwards at the sound of my voice. He smiled and nodded.
Yawning, I held him tighter to my chest and fell back onto the couch. Although the day had been slow, I somehow felt drained.
A deafening boom of thunder split the air. I felt Chucky flinch.
Turning him over in my arms so that I cradled him like a baby, I noticed the nervous expression on his face.
"Aw, buddy, it's okay. The thunder can't hurt you if you're inside," I soothed, petting his hair. I knew he was afraid of thunderstorms.
"What's the matter? He's scared of the thunder?" my mom eyed me.
I nodded.
She gave me a half-sympathetic, half-amused look. "Well, at least he's got you to look after him. I never thought I'd see you acting so motherly, considering how much you claim to hate kids!"
I chuckled. "Yeah, well, Chucky's different." Looking down at him, I felt the familiar ache of affection in my heart when I saw him smiling fondly up at me. I squeezed him closer and nuzzled his forehead with my nose.

The storm had died down by the time I made my way downstairs and to my room, Chucky in my arms. My dark room was instantly showered in light as I opened the door, then consumed once more by shadows as I closed it behind me. The only source of light in the room were the few globe string lights hanging from one side of the wall. Making my way to my bed, I caught glimpses of the many drawings Chucky had made for me taped all across the walls. His various little presents still remained in a pile on my nightstand. Everything that ever symbolized our friendship was tucked safely away in my room. I smiled to myself.
  I reached my bed and placed Chucky down before climbing up next to him. I crawled under the covers and scooped him into my arms. My cat, Ollie, leaped up soon after us and made herself comfortable at my side. Chucky leaned over to briefly stroke her fur.
  A small chuckle escaped me. Everything felt comfortable and perfect. Life was as good as it could possibly get.
  A shadow shifted positions out of the corner of my eye.
I'm here.
I frustratedly rubbed my temple.
Shut up. Not now.
  "(Y/n)?" Chucky noticed my change in behavior. "Are you okay?"
  I smiled weakly. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just- ... y'know. I saw something for a second there."
  He leaned his head against my chest. "It's okay, (Y/n), remember what mom said? It's not real," he cooed.
  I laughed softly. Although I knew he would never fully understand what went on in my head, it was always comforting to have someone to look out for me.
  "Thanks, honey," I murmured, hugging him to my chest gratefully. He happily wrapped his arms around my neck, giving the back of my messy, shoulder-length hair a reassuring pat.
  A quick glance at my phone showed just how late it was. I yawned loudly.
  "I dunno about you, but I'm tired!" I exclaimed.
  Chucky tilted his head slightly and smiled. "Do you wanna sing the buddi song before bed?" he asked.
  "Of course," I laughed, turning on my side and laying him down next to me. I pulled the covers over him as well before bringing him snugly to my chest.
  "You are my buddy, until the end," he sang softly.
  I found myself smiling from ear to ear, adoration once again welling in my chest for the doll. His sweet innocence was the ray of sunshine I needed in even the darkest of times.
  Once he finished his song, I gave his forehead a kiss.
  "Goodnight, Chucky," I whispered.
  "Goodnight, (Y/n)," he murmured back. He held onto me tight, as if my previous incident meant I needed protecting.
  The last of the rain drizzled lazily down the side of the windows. A final rumble of thunder softly shook the house, until all was still. But we both still found comfort in being close to one another.

Spring showers still passed through my little town over the next few days. The outside world became almost grey with the lack of sunshine. It was always nice to see a passing storm or two, but the constant downpour made it impossible to enjoy being anywhere else but inside. I couldn't help but feel down.
  "Cheer up, (Y/n), I'll make you smile. Look at this funny face!" Chucky piped up one morning as I sat beside him on the couch, grumbling as I did my homework. He flapped his arms and made a happy face, smiling as wide as he could.
  I laughed at his little dance, picking him up and doting over him. His optimism was contagious.
I held him close as I finished up the last of my online work. After I wrapped it up, my stress level began to dwindle.
"Finally, I'm done," I huffed, resting my chin on his head.
"Now we can play again!" he cheered.
I snickered and shook my head in defeat. Picking him up, I glanced out the window to make sure it was nice enough to go out. The sky was still a bit cloudy, but the rain had finally ceased.
Chucky and I walked hand in hand through the thick woodland behind my house. The only good thing that came out of all the rain was how green it had made the plants. Flowers were beginning to sprout here and there, and the leaves on the trees were restored to healthy, green bunches. I breathed in the scent of the forest, feeling myself relax.
"(Y/n), what's that?" I heard Chucky ask.
I looked down to see him examining a little garter snake at his feet.
"Aw, that's a snake!" I knelt down and scooped the reptile into my hands. It slowly wound between my fingers and up my arm.
I held it in front of Chucky. "Here, he won't hurt you."
Chucky gently grabbed the snake with his small fingers. It slithered over his hand and perched onto his wrist.
He smiled. "It's like our snake at home."
"Yeah, you're right. Although Chester is a bit bigger."
Chucky held the snake for a moment longer, examining it with a childlike curiosity.
I put an arm around him. "You ready to let him go?"
He looked up at me and nodded, handing it back to me. I placed it to the ground, where it quickly slithered away. Standing up, I took Chucky's hand in mine once more.
"C'mon, we still have a lot of exploring to do!"

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