Chapter 10

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  "Happy Birthday, (Y/n)!"
  My eyes flew open to see Chucky sitting on my bed beside me, holding up a card and grinning proudly.
  I instantly smiled from ear to ear. Today was my 17th birthday, and I knew Chucky would be the first to wish me a happy one.
  "Aww, is that for me?" I sat up and pulled him into my lap, taking the card from him and opening it for us to look at together.
  Inside, the words "happy birthday (Y/n)" were written in crayon, and below it was a drawing of me. It was impressively accurate, my hair straight and shoulder length and my shirt a match to the Pixies shirt I wore often.
  "Oh, that's so good, Chucky! Thank you so much," I gushed, lifting him up and nuzzling his face with my nose.
  He giggled and clung to me happily. I took a moment to sit and hug him close, nestling my face against his soft hair. If I didn't have Chucky with me to make me feel so special all of the time, I don't know what I'd do.
  Eventually I got up and brought him upstairs with me, my mom and brother wishing me a happy birthday as well.
  Fortunately, it was the weekend, so I didn't have to go to school. I could spend the day relaxing at home, with my best friend to care for me and make sure my birthday was nothing but joyful.
  "What are we gonna do for my b-best buddy's birthday?" Chucky asked from beside my chair as I ate breakfast. 
  I smiled and pat his head. "I'm not sure. Maybe I can ask a few friends to come over, and we can walk to the park or something?"
  He nodded in agreement, and I grabbed my phone to text one of my friends.
  Hey, it's my birthday and I wanted 2 maybe go 2 the park with a few of you?
  It had barely been ten seconds before I got a reply.
  Aww I'm so sorry but I have plans today with family :( sorry dude!
  I frowned a little in disappointment, but tried to shrug it off and move on to texting the rest of my friends.
  She's lying.
  My blood began to fizz with uncertainty. My finger was hovering above the send button on a message to another friend.
  You know she's lying.
  I screwed my eyes shut and inhaled deeply. I shut my phone off and stuffed it in my pocket, taking my plate to the sink and setting it in there. I returned to Chucky and picked him up, giving him a squeeze to try and calm my nerves.

  It had been a few hours since the text. I sat on the couch with my arms curled around Chucky, watching as the day ticked by.
  I should be moving on, meeting up with my other friends to celebrate my birthday. I should be at the park already.
  My fists clenched and unclenched. I couldn't take it anymore.
  I snatched my phone from my pocket and tapped furiously until I was in my Snapchat contacts.
  The world around me began to blur, a darkness overwhelming me as I stared emotionlessly at the screen.
  If this turns out to be nothing, I will have wasted my entire birthday out of pure paranoia.
  I tapped on the girl's story.
  Even as my mind processed the picture that popped up, I knew what I was expecting. I was setting her up, trying to catch her in a lie, and I succeeded.
  There she was, dressed in a typical day-out attire, alongside two other girls I recognized as her other friends. They stood posing in front of a store in the mall, smiles plastered on each of their faces as if they didn't have a care in the world.
  I tapped the screen numbly and another picture flicked by, this one of them eating lunch at the food court. The next, a selfie of just her. The next, a video of them laughing as they cracked jokes in the back of an empty store.
  My eyes dragged upward to look at the time stamp.
  15 minutes ago.
  I shakily set my phone aside. A lump formed in my throat, and I gulped it down.
  "Are you okay?" Chucky asked from below.
  I looked down at him and forced a grin. "Yeah, I'm okay. Let's get going to the park."
  I don't know why I went. I felt like I needed air, but I knew that wasn't the reason.
  I parked my car in the empty parking lot, not even bothering to lock it as I scooped up Chucky from the passenger seat and made for the playground.
  There was no one there, and the sky was covered in a blanket of gray clouds, no sun in sight. It was already a gloomy day.
  What'd I tell you?
  Tears blurred my vision but I blinked them away. I sat on a swing at random, enveloping Chucky in a clutch so tight that my arms hurt.
  The picture of my friend in front of that store with the two other girls flashed in my mind, causing me to grit my teeth as first fury, then misery wash over me.
  Before I could stop myself, I let out a frustrated wail and began to sob.
  "(Y/n)? (Y/n), what's wrong?" Chucky instantly cried.
  I couldn't reply. I held onto him as I bawled my eyes out alone on that swing set for nearly 20 minutes.
  Finally able to speak between sniffles, I gazed down at him and let him wipe away my running tears.
  "I just... I feel so alone. Nobody likes me. Everybody always lies to me, or ends up leaving me. I can't trust anyone anymore."
  He tilted his head, a frown on his face.
  "You can trust me, (Y/n). You're my best buddy," he soothed.
  I smiled slightly, hugging him closer and resting my cheek on his head.
  "I know. I just mean everyone else. The fact that I've been betrayed so many times makes me so scared to try and meet new people. I feel like it's gonna ruin my future. There's obviously something wrong with me. Why else would so many people stab me in the back?"
  "You don't need them. It can just be you and me forever. I'll never leave you."
  My smile spread and I buried my face in his hair, cradling him like a baby.
  Although I was more than thankful to have Chucky there for me, a small part of me still yearned for the past, when my old friends and I seemed inseparable. Now, all of them had abandoned me. What did I do wrong?
  I sighed heavily. As much as I wish I didn't have to go through so much betrayal, perhaps it was meant to be. Maybe I wasn't meant to have friends. Human friends, at least. Maybe it was meant just to be me and Chucky. At least he would never leave me.

    The incident with my friend triggered a series of unfortunate events throughout the day, and when I got home that evening, my paranoia was off the charts.
  My mom was away picking up groceries, so I was home alone with Chucky. I sat on the couch and hugged him close as the sound of endless laughter echoed in my head.
  Knock, knock!
  I whipped around at the sound, but of course, there was nothing there. The sky outside began to develop a reddish hue due to the sun sinking, as if mocking me.
  I whimpered and squeezed Chucky tighter.
  "What's wrong, (Y/n)?" Chucky looked up at me, eyes wide with concern.
  "I-I'm scared," I choked out, tears beginning to roll down my cheeks. I began to shake violently.
  "Don't be scared, (Y/n), I'm right here!" he cried, reaching up to grab either side of my face.
  I screwed my eyes shut and wept, pressing my forehead to Chucky's as he desperately tried to wipe away my running tears.
  After a short while, I felt myself calming down at his gentle touch and comforting words. I opened my eyes again and stared into his, his lips stretching into a smile when I did so. I couldn't help but smile as well.
  I sniffled, gathering him to my chest once more. He wrapped his arms around my neck and nuzzled under my chin. The first stirrings of happiness began to warm my heart.
  "You are my buddy, until the end," Chucky began to sing softly.
  My heart swelled with affection and I couldn't fight the quiet chuckle that escaped me. I buried my face into his soft, ginger hair, tears of happiness blurring my vision.
  "More than a buddy, you're my best friend. I love you more than you will ever know. I will never let you go," he finished.
  "Thank you," I croaked, squeezing him tight.
  "It's okay, (Y/n). I'll protect you from those mean monsters!" he declared.
  At that moment, the door opened and my mom stepped in, carrying bags of groceries. She immediately noticed my tear-stained face, dropping her bags and rushing over.
  "What happened? Are you okay?" she asked.
  "Yeah, I'm okay," I wiped at my eyes. "I just had a bit of a panic attack, I guess."
  She nodded in understanding, then looked down at Chucky, who was still hugging me protectively.
  She smiled. "Did Chucky calm you down?"
  I nodded.
  She leaned forward to pat his head briefly. "Well, thank you. I'm glad you were there for her."
  "I'd do anything for my best b-buddy," Chucky said, snuggling deeper into my hoodie.
  Overwhelmed with joy, I blissfully rubbed my cheek against his head. Before Chucky, I had no one to call my best friend. The past betrayals I had to endure made it difficult for me to trust people. But Chucky was different. He was always there for me when I needed him, wether it be to lend an ear to listen to my problems or act as my cuddle buddy when I needed to calm down. Whatever the case, I couldn't imagine where I would be without him.
  My mom chuckled. "I don't think he's gonna let go of you for the rest of the night."
  I smiled. "I don't mind."

Later that night, I sat curled up on the couch, wearing one of my favorite baggy 80's band t-shirts and wrapped in a cozy blanket. I enjoyed a bowl of ice cream my mom had brought me as I played on my phone, Chucky still clinging to me.
I got up once I finished the ice cream, carrying Chucky along with me. I placed the bowl in the sink, turning the knob to let the bowl rinse out with one arm, my other clutching my robotic companion tight.
"Hey, (Y/n), do you wanna watch a movie with me?" my mom called from the couch.
"Sure, lemme just go to the bathroom real quick," I replied.
I set Chucky down outside the door, leaving him there as I went in. When I came back out shortly after, he was standing exactly where I left him. I always found this adorable, a sign of his unwavering loyalty.
I snickered and picked him up again, hugging him close. I heard my mom laughing as well as I made my way back to my spot.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"It's just funny how clingy he is! I bet he'd wait on you for days if you left for that long," she teased.
"Is that a bad thing?" I shoved her playfully. "I think it's sweet. I'd do the same for him."
I ran a hand through his hair lovingly, and he looked up at me with adoration in his glowing blue eyes. I nuzzled the top of his head with my nose affectionately, to which he giggled in delight.
"Aww," my mom cooed.
As I cradled the doll like a baby, I reflected on just how thankful I was for my mom and him. Even if I had not a single friend left on this Earth, I knew I could always count on them, especially my best friend.

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