Chapter 4

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Since summer had begun, my volunteer shifts at the local animal shelter and zoo were once again open. I went primarily on the weekends to work for a few hours. Each time, I made sure to tell Chucky where I was going and promise a quick return. Although reluctant to be separated, he agreed and waited, unmoving, at the door for me until I came home. Each day he would bring me random items from around the house that he thought to be "science books", thinking that I would need one. I always happily accepted the items to make him feel useful.
  One day, he brought me one of the small potted plants my mom kept on the coffee tables and counters for decoration.
  "(Y/n), don't forget your science b-b-book!" he chirped.
  Chuckling, I took the plant from him. "Thanks, honey."
  Before I left, I never forgot to give him a farewell kiss on the cheek.
  After another lengthy shift, I walked through the door and kicked off my shoes. My muscles were sore from cleaning cages and sweeping the floors.
  "You're back!" Chucky cheered at my feet.
  I smiled and knelt down. "Hey, buddy," I greeted the doll, patting his head.
  "I made you a present," he announced, holding up one of the cat's toys, a tiny stuffed mouse. It had a small bow wrapped around it. Since I had started leaving so often, his little presents were always waiting for me when I came back.
  As always, my heart swelled with adoration. "Aww, that's so cool, Chucky! Thank you so much for making this for me, I love it."
  I took the toy from him and put it in my pocket before scooping him up and into my lap. I gave him a peck on the forehead, and he giggled with joy.

  We're here, (Y/n). There's nowhere to run.
  I tried to speak but my mouth wouldn't open. I could only watch as multiple shadow-cloaked figures slunk towards me. I tried to run, but my feet were rooted to the spot.
  Don't try and escape.
  Trembling, I managed a pitiful squeak of horror as the creatures closed in on me. But as soon as they were only inches from me, they seemed to reach out and engulf me in darkness. I couldn't see anything.
  We know what will hurt you more than death itself.
  Just then, a dim light began to grow stronger in the distance. As it grew, I could see the body of a small child lying motionless in the center.
  Only when I looked closer did I realize it wasn't a small child. It was Chucky.
  He was smashed to bits and pieces. The only recognizable feature about the heap of scattered parts was his striped sweater. Dozens of wires and scraps of metal were visible among the mess.
  Suddenly able to move, my knees buckled beneath me and I fell, sobbing, to the ground. The sound of endless laughter drowned out the roaring of blood in my ears.
  My eyes flew open to see the same striped sweater, only now my face was buried into its soft wool. I looked up to see that I was clutching Chucky tightly against me, in my bed during the late hours of the night.
I realized that he was awake, his blue eyes glowing in the dark and fixated on me.
"Is my best buddy okay? You were talking in your sleep," he murmured.
It took me a moment to regain my composure, but as soon as I realized Chucky was there beside me and unharmed, I had to choke back a sob.
Tears clouding my vision, I wrapped my arms tighter around him and squeezed him close, burying my face into his hair. I was trembling from a mix of relief and despair at what I had just witnessed.
"What's wrong, (Y/n)?" the android's voice was muffled.
I let out a shaky sigh, chuckling without humor. "I'm okay, baby, I just... I had a bad dream, that's all."
I cuddled him like I never had before, savoring the comfort of holding him so close. He must have sensed I needed a moment, because he remained silent as I placed kiss after kiss on his head, hugging him so tight that it would have hurt if he were able to feel pain.
After a few minutes of holding him and letting myself calm down, I still cradled him to my chest as I sat up and leaned back against the wall.
I held his head under my chin and let out another sigh. "I'm sorry, honey, I just had such an awful dream. It really scared me."
He smiled. "It's okay, (Y/n), I'm here for you! That scary dream wasn't real. I won't let anything hurt you, I promise!"
Gratefully, I rubbed my cheek against his soft hair and managed to smile. "I know you will. It's just that this dream wasn't about me being hurt. It was about you."
He tilted his head.
I sniffled, closing my eyes and giving him a squeeze before continuing.
"In my dream you were hurt really bad. It was so scary. I don't want anything to ever happen to you. I can't think of anything worse that could happen."
The little robot blinked, still smiling warmly. "Do not worry, (Y/n). I will never leave you. I'm always gonna be right here to take care of you, because you're my b-best buddy!"
Tears of joy ran down my cheeks at hearing his reassurance. "I know, sweetheart. Thank you. Thank you so much."
Laughing softly, I continued to cuddle him and stroke his hair. I had never felt more grateful in my life than I had right then.
"Do you wanna sing the buddi song to feel better?" he asked.
"Yeah," I chuckled again and nodded. "I think that would help."
Chucky grinned, delighted, and lay his head against my chest.
"You are my buddy, until the end. More than a buddy, you're my best friend," he crooned.
Overjoyed, I closed my eyes and listened to the comforting words sung to me countless times before. I felt sleep begin to drag me down again as he sang, and I sunk deeper into the heap of pillows.
By the time he was finished, I was already beginning to drift off. I managed to nuzzle my face against his affectionately one last time.
"Goodnight, (Y/n)," he whispered, patting my head gently.
As sleep came once more, I dreamt of Chucky again. Only this time, we were side by side, unharmed, under the stars. We gazed up at the bright, round moon overhead. Endless grassy hills spread in all directions, silver and rippling like waves in the moonlight.

  Chucky and I watched as all five once puny baby birds hopped out of their nest for the first time. They spread their now fully feathered wings and fluttered about the yard, chirping excitedly.
"They grow up so fast, huh, Chucky?" I giggled.
My robotic companion continued to grin and watch as the birds gradually drifted further away. Eventually they all took to the sky and flew above our heads in circles. Then at last, they were lost behind the trees and were never seen again.

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