Chapter 5

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  Sometimes, even though things may seem good, mental illness can ruin it all in a second. I often found myself in unexpected waves of sadness or paranoia, no matter how I felt.
  Quit trembling.
  I was snapped out of my daze, realizing that I was shaking.
  I looked down to see Chucky and remembered that he had just asked me to play, his hand on my knee where he had just tapped to get my attention.
  "Yeah, of course," I forced a smile, getting up from the couch and taking him by the hand.
  We played Monopoly for a while. It kept my mind off of things at first, but pretty soon I was starting to feel anxious again.
  "(Y/n), you're gonna hurt your leg!" Chucky suddenly cried.
  With a start, I realized that I was clawing at my leg anxiously.
  "Oh, you're right. Sorry, I didn't even notice," I replied, folding my arms instead.
  Chucky gazed intently at me. "What's wrong, (Y/n)? Are you not having fun?"
  I smiled sadly. "Well, I'm trying to, but... I've just been having a bad week, I guess."
  The doll frowned. "I don't like it when my b-best buddy isn't having fun."
  I got up and sat next to him, putting an arm around him.
  "I know, sweetheart. I wish I could be happy all the time, too. I really do. But you just can't. It's nobody's fault, it's just the way things are."
  He leaned his head against my side, still frowning.
  I bent down to kiss his forehead. "No matter what, I know I can always count on you to cheer me up. You make me the happiest out of everything else in the whole world."
  He perked up a bit at my praise, his head clicking upwards to face me with a spreading smile.
  Chuckling, I ruffled his hair fondly.

  That night, as I lay in bed snuggled up next to Chucky, the voices started again.
  Hey! Don't fall asleep!
  Miserably, I buried my face into Chucky's hair in an attempt to block out the noise. My heart was racing and I began to sweat out of fear.
  I lifted my head upon hearing the sound of a cat. For a split second, hope fluttered in my chest at the possibility that it could be my lost cat finally returning.
  Cold dread flowed through me when I heard it the second time. It sounded as if the cat was in distress, crying for help. Only the slightest muffle to the sound told me that it was another hallucination.
  It's like they're trying to torment me. Tears clouded my vision as I lay back down, hugging Chucky closer.
  "Is my best buddy okay?"
  I jumped at his hushed voice. Sniffling, I dug my fingers deeper into his sweater.
  "N-no, the voices won't stop. I'm scared," I croaked.
  "It's okay, (Y/n)," he cooed, clinging to me. "Remember what mom and dad said? It's all in your head."
  "I know, but it's just so scary. I can't sleep. Maybe I should go get mom."
  Wiping at my eyes, I slipped out of bed with Chucky in my arms and headed upstairs to my moms room. I felt stupid going to consult my mom like a child, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't.
  I reached her bedside and gently shook her.
  She roused, blinking sleep out of her eyes and sucking in a breath surprisedly.
  "(Y/n)? What's wrong?"
  "I can't sleep. I'm hallucinating really bad," I whispered, voice cracking as I fought to hold in tears.
  She got up and led me to the kitchen where she fished out some Melatonin from the medicine cabinet for me to take. Guiding me to the couch, she tucked me in and promised to sleep on the couch as well to make sure I was okay.
  "The medicine should kick in soon. It'll make you sleepy," she assured me.
  I gratefully snuggled into the blanket she had brought for me and squeezed Chucky close. The pitter-patter of rain hit the windows softly, and quiet thunder rumbled in the distance as yet another storm drifted in.
  "So when did it start?" my mom asked from her spot on the couch.
  "Tonight, it started when I was getting ready for bed. But I've been feeling paranoid all week," I confessed.
  "You're taking your meds, right?"
   "Of course."
  She sighed. "Well, then I don't know. I know it's easy for me to say, but, try to block it out as best you can and think happy thoughts."
  I nodded, giving her a shaky smile. "I'll try. I'm sorry for waking you up, by the way. It was stupid of me, really. I should've just gotten the Melatonin by myself."
  Before she could reply, Chucky looked up at me. "I do not think you're stupid," he murmured innocently.
  I smiled from ear to ear, chuckling fondly and holding him closer.
  My mom laughed as well. "It's okay, (Y/n). It wasn't stupid of you. I'm your mom, I'm supposed to take care of you."
  "And I'll take care of you, too!" Chucky squeaked.
  Tears of joy welled around my eyes. Heart nearly bursting with happiness, I relaxed and sunk deeper against the back of the couch, cuddling Chucky happily.
  "Are you okay now, (Y/n)? Did the mean people go away?" Chucky whispered.
  I nodded, too choked up with gratitude to speak. I nuzzled his face with my nose, making him giggle.
  The room was quiet for a short while, save for the faint clicks and hums every time Chucky would move in the slightest. 
  Eventually, he looked up at me again and noticed I was beginning to get sleepy. "Do you want me to sing the buddi song for you?" he asked.
  "Of course," I smiled, cradling him tight and nestling my face against his as he sang me to sleep.
  Thunder occasionally rolled from above, sending tremors throughout the home. But Chucky payed no mind as he instead focused on comforting me.

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