DoD kiss marry punch

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Sunny: So, what do we do Clay? 

Clay: you say the names in the category you want then you have to do it. 

Tsunami: Why would you do that?!

Clay: How else was I going to be able to kiss Peril?

Glory: Simply do something romantic 

Clay: You and Deathbringer are not innocent here either. After this game we have to do would you rather then do the would rather that you chose!

Glory: I thought it was funny.

Starflight: Let's just get this over with. Um, Clay kiss marry punch, Glory *Deathbringer stiffness* Tsunami *Riptide growls* or Sunny?

Clay: That's  a hard one because none of them are Peril. Hmm, kiss Glory, marry Sunny, and Punch Tsunami. Don't worry I won't actually kiss her. 

Turtle: HEY! TH-OW! 

Peril: Sorry, my friend over here is jealous, do it how you do it Clay. 

*Clay kisses Glory's cheek and Deathbringer low growls. He kisses both cheeks of Sunny and Punches Tsunami's arm softly* 

Clay: Um, Fatespeaker, Kiss marry punch, Deathbringer, Riptide or Starflight? 

Fatespeaker: Kiss Riptide-*stops from the look of Tsunami*-I mean kiss Deathbringer-*Stops from the look of glory.* OH come on guys! It's just a game and do you want to get outa here? kiss Deathbringer and punch Riptide. 

*does those things.* 

Fatespeaker: Glory, kiss marry kill, Deathbringer, Riptide, or Clay. 

Glory: Marry Deathbringer, kiss Clay and Punch Riptide 

*does those things, Deathbringer sighs eternally* 

Glory: Deathbringer, kiss marry punch, Tsunami, sunny, or me? 

Deathbringer: Easy, Kiss sunny, marry you, and punch Tsunami. 

*Does those things.* 

Deathbringer: Tsunami, kiss marry kill, Riptide, Clay, or Starflight? 

Tsunami: Marry Riptide, kiss clay, and kill Starflight. 

*Does those things but not kill starflight.* 

Tsunami: Riptide, kiss marry kill, me, Glory, or Fatespeaker?

Riptide: Kiss Fatespeaker, Marry you, and Kill Glory, not kill punch. 

*Does those things* 

Riptide: Sunny, kiss marry kill, Starflight, Clay, or Deathbringer? 

Sunny: Definitely Punch Deathbringer, kiss Starflight and Marry Clay. 

*Does those things* 

Sunny: Starflight, kiss marry kill, Me, Fatespeaker, or Glory? 

Starflight: punch Glory...No offense. 

Glory: None Taken

Starflight: Kiss you marry Fatespeaker.

*Does those things* 

Clay: Would you rather is next! 

DoD and others: *Groan* 


Glory: What did you just call us? 

Tsunami: Glorybringer, it's your ship name so I thought I could use it more often since I ship you two. 

Glory turns pink then turns black. Glory: Well, stop. 

Tsunami: To bad. 

Deathbringer: We have a ship name, nice.  

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