How you met~ Ouran High School Host Club

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 You sighed as you waited for someone to come in, you were working at a mall's pet store but many people were only walking past because there were a lot of deals at other stores. This is probably the only time I want to work' you thought to yourself. Suddenly two teenage boys walked in, one immediately ran to the dog section and started playing with the golden retriever puppy. The other boy with black hair sighed before walking to you to apologize. "Oh it's fine I was bored as hell anyway," you assured him before noticing his uniform,"I go to Ouran too,". You noticed he took a minute staring at you,"Y/n L/n, your family has a series of successful companies and gaining more customers every day. why are you working at a commoner's pet store?" he asked.

"My parents made me get a job and as long as I make $100 and put it towards my Ouran monthly tuition I'm allowed to go there. It's meant to teach me about expense and making money and the value of a dollar." you answered. He nodded,"Kyoya Ootori my friend is-" Kyoya started before the blonde boy came back holding onto the dog. "We need to get this dog Kyo-" the boy turned his head and stopped talking as he saw you.

 You suddenly felt self-conscious as the boy stared at you before he put a hand out,"I'm Tamaki Suoh," you blud and smiled sheepishly before shaking his hand,"Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you,"

"Y/n goes to Ouran," Kyoya explained.

Tamaki's eyes lit up,"What do you think of the Host Club?” Tamaki asked. You looked at him confused,”What’s that?” you asked. both of the boys looked at you confused on how you hand’t hear it,”I don’t talk to anybody at school.” you stated as you looked dwwn at your feet.

 Your chin was lifted and your e/c eyes met with his amethyst colored ones. “hy don’t you try coming to Music Room #3 after school?”.

“Sure,” you mumbled before they both left.

‘Guess I have plans for tomorrow.’ you thought to yourself smiling.


 You sighed as your parents continued their lecture on manners. Your family was currently on their way to the Ootori family’s house for a dinner party they were holding. Your parents were convinced that one of the Ootori’s son was perfect for you. “And don’t sigh like that when we get there missy!” your mother ordered.

 You straightened your back as you stepped out of the limo and tried to make sure all of the wrinkles in your f/c dress were pressed out.

~Time Skip~

 You were sitting at one of the tables as your mother talked to the Ootori’s daughter. You sighed before you felt a tap on your shoulder. “Is someone sitting here?” a boy around your age with black hair and glasses asked while pointing to a chair next to you. You smiled to him,”No, no one’s sitting there,” you answered. He smiled and sat down, “Is everything alright?” he asked. You laughed quietly before shaking your head,”Yeah everything is fine, it’s just my parents believe it’s my destiny to marry one of the Ootori boys.”. He stared at you for a second before asking,”Do you not like any of them?”. You smiled and thought to yourself,”I’m sure all of them are pleasant and great people, but I don’t like that my parents are trying to make me have feelings for someone I’ve never met.”. He smiled and nodded and was about to say something before your Mother walked towards you,”It’s nice to see that you’re getting along with Kyoya Ootori Y/n.” she stated. Your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape before Kyoya spoke. “It was nice talking to you Y/n.” he smiled as he grabbed your hand and kissed it and left, leaving you a blushing mess.



  You pressed your lips together as you ran in the cold weather. You had just left from your best friend’s farewell party and because it was formal you were stuck in a f/c short dress and were currently running in order to make it to your cousin’s kendo match. You ran and had your cousins texting and calling you every second in order to see if you were coming.

 You looked down at your phone in order to deny yet another call from one of them when you ran straight into someone you closed your eyes as you fell . You opened your eyes and was met with golden ones. You pushed yourself up and noticed that you were straddling him bringing a blush to both of your faces. You quickly stood up and noticed that he had bright orange hair and his twin stood next to him with his eyes wide. “I am soo sorry but I really really need to go.” you apologized before walking past the two and then continuing on your run.

 You felt a tug on your bag and turned to see a teenage boy pulling on your bag,”Hey!” you yelled as the boy pulled it out of your hands. “I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT!” you screamed before chasing him.

Kaoru’s POV~

 I stood up and looked behind me as the girl started running again she turned a corner and Kaoru was about to say something before we both heard someone yell. We both looked at each other before a man ran past us with a bag. “I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT!” we heard a girl yell before she passed us chasing the man. I was about to chase the man but she caught up to him and grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him towards her. She turned him around and kneed him in the gut and punched his nose before grabbing her bag and running back the way she came mumbling “Shit shit shit shit shit.”. I looked to see the guy holding onto his bleeding nose and saw a cellphone next to him, I picked it up and Kaoru looked over my shoulder. “We should try to call her or something.” I suggested. Kaoru nodded before a call came on the phone and saw a call from Honey. “Why would he be calling her?” Kaoru asked.


 You groaned as two girls dragged you to apparently ‘the best club in the school’. “Guys I’m tired and I won’t be able to find my way back if you ditch me please please please just leave me!” you begged as they rambled on and on how great it was. ‘I just want to go watch (favorite anime).’ you thought to yourself. They turned a corner and stopped as they saw a little boy holding a stuffed bunny and a boy that looked around your age with black hair. They were fangirling over the two and let go of your hands. You slowly walked backwards and once you thought you were far enough started to run faster and grabbed your cell phone in order to call your driver.

 “Simmons bring the car to the front of Ouran please hurry.” you ordered before hanging up and continuing your way to the gates. You stood in a hallway where you had clear vision of the front. You heard footsteps and turned to see a boy with orange hair and golden eyes. He looked at you smiling before walking closer to you,”I’ve never seen you here before are you a new student?”. You blushed at how close he was and slightly pushed him away while trying not to be rude,”I just got here today, I’m Y/n L/n. You are?” you smiled. He looked a bit surprised taht you pushed him away and spoke,”Hikaru Hitachiin. You should come by the Host Club it’s in Music Room 3.” You groaned before looking at him,”Why does everyone keep talking about it?”. He chuckled at you before you saw your driver at the gates. “Just come by.” Hikaru said before walking away. You looked at the direction he walked in before walkign out to Simmons.


 “Class this is a new student Y/n L/n.” the teacher said as she touched your lower back in the front of the class. You smiled before the teacher spoke,”Y/n sit next to Haruhi, Haruhi raise your hand.”. A girl with long brown hair and eyes you smiled before sitting in the seat next to her. She smiled at you,”It’s nice to meet you Y/n.”. “Same to you Haruhi, I was actually pretty nervous about coming to a new school.” you admitted. “You have no reason to be you’re really nice.” she assured. You guys kept on talking until the teacher gave you all a worksheet about fractions.

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