How you met (his version) Death Note

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   I sat down and got out a paper I tore out from the Death Note, writing all of the names that I remembered from last night's news program. My Mom had come in and interrupted me in the short time I had to watch the news. I continued to write names and started to pay attention when I heard the teacher listing off names for a partner project. "Y/n L/n with Light Yagami,". I knew everyone in class and noticed there was a new girl sitting a few seats over. I stood up and walked up to her while she was packing up,"Y/n L/n?". "Yes?" she asked raising her eyebrows. "I'm Light Yagami. Here's my phone number in case you need to call me. Maybe we could go to the main library around 3 tomorrow to start working," I suggested. I suddenly heard Ryuk chuckle and he muttered quietly, I could barely hear him,"Interesting. Very interesting girl,". Y/n nodded before I walked away and whispered,"What's so funny?". He laughed loudly,"You'll find out!". 

"L" Lawliet: 
     I observed as more and more police officers walked out. I took a quick look at the amount of officers left. I knew a little about each of them, my eyes drew me to the only woman left. Y/n L/n. She had interested me ever since I learned her brother had been murdered by Kira for a crime he was falsely accused of. The officers walked up to the screen I was using to watch them and mentioned meeting me. "We are obviously committed to this case L. Don't you think we should at least get a face?" Y/n reasoned. I stared at her face on the screen before I began typing. The officers nodded and walked out of the building as I said. I sighed and began to chew on my thumb softly 'I hope you were right about everyone being committed y/n.' 
~Time Skip~
  I stood outside the elevator waiting for the officers to come up. Not a second after they saw me face I had names thrown at me,"(n/n)," Y/n deadpanned. 'God!' I thought before making the shape of a gun like a child playing, "Bang! If i were Kira you would all be dead right now. Don't give out your name's so willingly. Maybe Y/n would survive because she gave me a false name," I said before explaining the rules and conditions. But I could swear I saw y/n smile after I said that. 

  I walked down the streets before I saw a candy store and noticed a sale on chocolate. 'I forgot it was almost Valentines Day! There will be chocolate in every store!' I thought to myself as I walked in. I went over to the chocolate area to see that most of it was gone, 'Hat to be the employee here,' I decided aws I grabbed the last of it. I started making my way to the cash register and saw a girl that I was guessing was the employee collapsed on the counter top. Her h/c hair was a mess and she looked exhausted. I made my way to the cash register and she pushed herself up and smiled at me,"Did you find everything okay?". I nodded as I handed her the items and stared at her,'She's obviously exhausted yet she's acting like she just got here,' I thought. "Do you want a to and from card? It's additional with no charge," she offered. 'I know what I can do,' I decided before talking,"I'll take one,". She nodded as I grabbed one and got a pen out. I quickly wrote her a message and grabbed the rest of my chocolate, leaving that one behind. I walked out and looked through the window to see Y/n blushing and smiling to herself as she looked at the card.

   I looked up as Mello as he yelled. I really didn't get why he was mad at me this time, perhaps he was already mad an I just happened to be there? I continued to think it through in my head barely acknowledging Mello leaving. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a soft voice start talking"Excuse me, but were you and that other boy arguing?". I looked up to es a girl with e/c eyes and h/c hair framing her face,"Yes, I assume you are new here I am Near and the the boy I was arguing with, well I don't know his true name, but people refer to him as Mello," I answered. She shook her head for some reason,"Nice to meet you Near. I'm Y/n L/n, you're right I am new to Wammy's House," she replied before holding her hand out. I stared at it before reaching up and shaking it. 

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