How you met~ Death Note

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Light Yagami----

 You saw strange “things”. Always had and learned a long time ago to keep your mouth shut about it. Whether or not they were real you tried your best to ignore them, and for awhile they just stopped, disappeared.

At least until you were transferred to a new high school in a part of Japan you’ve never lived in.

You sat down at a desk and your eyes widened as you saw a teenage boy with caramel hair walk into the classroom- with one of those “things”. You tried to ignore it but it stayed there and seemed to be talking to the teenager s he wrote fast on a piece of paper. Which made no sense to you because the teacher was just talking about his weekend. You shrugged it off and just listened to the teacher and tried to ignore that “thing”.

~Time Skip~~

  The teacher was currently assigning partners for a presentation you had to give on ancient Japanese culture. You sat still tense and bored as hell as you waited for our name to be called,”Y/n L/n with Light Yagami,” the teacher spoke before moving on to the next pair. ‘Light Yagami?’ you thought. The bell rang, you stood up and started picking up things on your desk. “Y/n L/n?” a male voice asked. You turned to your left to see the boy who had that “thing” following him, you tried not to scream at how close you were to that “thing”.

 “Yes?” you asked with your eyebrows raised. he smiled before holding his hand out,”I’m Light Yagami. Here’s my phone number in case you need to call me. maybe we could go to the main library around 3 tomorrow to start working?” Light suggested. You found yourself speechless and just nodded with a fake smile before shaking his hand and watching him as he walked out of the classroom.

“Shit.” you mumbled to yourself as you walked down the hallways to your next class.

“L” Lawliet: (This one is in a sort of timeline and sorry if you get annoyed by the time skips)

  You sighed as your boss Soichiro Yagami assigned you to the Kira case. You would admit part of you was scared for your life, but you really wanted to catch Kira soon. Your brother was recently charged with killing his girlfriend that was found out on cheating on him a week before. You weren't’ going to give up on this case that’s all that you were sure of.

Time Skip~

 You bit your lips as you hung up the phone before walking to Yagami. “Excuse me Yagami-sama(if I used the wrong honorific please tell me, I just looked it up and that said it was for a higher official) we just got a report that (B/n) (L/n) has recently died from a heart attack,” you reported as you could feel the tears in your eyes. Matsuda gasped at you,”Y/n isn’t that your brother?”. Yagami looked at you with wide eyes,”Is that true Y/n?”. You closed your eyes and nodded,”Go ahead and take today off. It’s better that you grief and work later than grief here and mess up on your work,”. You smiled as tears ran down your cheeks,”Thank you Yagami-sama,” you said before grabbing your bag and leaving.

A week later a man jumped off of a building, in his suicide note he confessed to killing your brother’s girlfriend and apologized to him for letting your brother take the fall for the crime.

~Time Skip after the FBI agents were killed~

 You clenched your fists and pressed your lips together as the number of officers quitting the case increased. You could care less if L investigated you, if you had the chance you would have done the same. Especially since you guessed Kira got information from a police leak. ‘Don’t worry B/n. I’m not going to quit.’ you thought to yourself.

 The few remaining officers started to argue that they should see L,”We are obviously committed to this case L. Don’t you think we should at least get a face?” you argued to the screen. Not long after typing appeared and you realized you were going to meet L. While the officers began to debated on whether or not they should go. You rolled your eyes,”We’ve been looking for this chance to see his face since the investigation started! Now that we have this chance I don’t know about you I’m going to take it and go listen to his directions. I know you guys don’t have personal connections to this case like me so I get it if you don’t care about meeting him but I’m going.” you stated. The group looked at you and then at each other before some of them followed you.

~Time Skip~

  You tapped your foot as the elevator slowly went up. You took a deep breath as the doors opened and you saw a man with messy raven hai. Immediately Matsuda and the others blurted out their names. “(Nickname),”you deadpanned. The man made a gun shape with his hand and yelled,”Bang! If I were Kira you would all be dead right now. Don’t give out your names so willingly. Maybe Y/n would survive because she gave me a fake name,” you smiled slightly to what to you was a compliment. “Call me Ryuzaki,” he muttered before he described the rules.


 It was a week until St. Valentines Day. You worked at a candy shop and currently there was a big rush of guys and girls getting chocolates for the occasion. You sighed as you walked back to the cash register. You felt like collapsing of exhaustion. It is really tiring to deal with so many customers at once. You usually had another person working the same shift but for some reason she wasn’t here. “Bitch,” you mumbled to yourself out of anger.

 Suddenly the door opened and the jingle of the bell rang throughout the store. You opened your eyes and only saw the top of somebody with orange hair make their way to the chocolate section. ‘Guess my small break is over. I hope they don’t need assistance,’ you thought as you sighed.

 A few minutes afterwards you heard footsteps come closer to you you opened your eyes and saw a boy around your age with orange hair and a shirt that had the sleeves cut off. “Did you find everything okay?” you asked smiling as he handed you his items. He nodded,”Do you want a to and from card that you can put on the candy? It’s additional with no charge.” you offered holding a few. His face scrunched up as if in thought before holding out a hand,”I’ll take one,” he answered. You handed him one and he quickly wrote a message before grabbing the chocolate and walking out.

 You smiled and laid your head on the desk before you felt something hard in your hand. You opened your eyes and saw the chocolate he wrote the card for. You grabbed it and saw your name on the card. You opened it and a blush covered your face as you read the card:

To: Y/n (at least that was on the nametag of your shirt)

From: Mello

P. S. Call me when you’re not exhausted from work.



 You squinted your eyes as you looked at a boy with bright orange hair and one with snow white hair “argue”. You were new at Wammy’s House and the first thing you saw was this slightly weird way of arguing, at least you were guessing they were doing that. The one with orange hair was yelling while the other one barely reacted and just continued with his playing. The one with orange hair seemed to have enough and walked away in a bad mood, you decided to ask what happened and made your way to the boy with snow white hair. “Excuse me, but were you and that other boy arguing?”. He looked up and you quietly gasped at the sight of his gray eyes. “Yes, I presume you are new here I am Near and the boy I was arguing with, well I don’t know his true name, but people refer to him as Mello,” Near replied. You tried to shake off the effect he had on you and smiled,”Nice to meet you Near. I’m Y/n L/n, you’re right I am new to Wammy’s House.” you responded as you held your hand out for him to shake. He stared at your hand before reaching up and awkwardly shaking it.

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