How you met (their version) ~OHSHC

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  I ran into the mall, ever since I came with Haruhi I have wanted to come back to a commoners shopping place. I ran with Kyoya slowly following me the whole way I made sure I stayed close to him and tried to get him involved when I saw a pet store! "Kyoya! Look at the puppies!" I yelled before running into the pet shop and located the dog section. I played with them before I looked around and saw that Kyoya wasn't next to me. I picked up a golden puppy and continued to pet it in my arms as i slowly made my way to the entrance. 'Probably left him outside. Wondering where I a-' my thoughts were cut short when I saw Kyoya talking with someone at the counter for employees. The puppy jumped out of my arms and I looked as Kyoya as I chased the puppy.
  As soon as I caught it I looked to Kyoya,"Kyoya we need thi-" I started before I noticed movement from the corner of my eyes. I quickly looked over to see a beautiful teenage girl. I stared at her for a few seconds and spoke when I noticed a blush started to form,"I'm Tamaki Suoh,". The girl's blush darkened and she looked down,"Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you," Y/n smiled shyly as she shook my hand. "Y/n goes to Ouran," Kyoya commented. I felt a smile appear on my face,"What do you think of the Host Club?". She tilted her head and stared at us,"I don't talk to anybody at school," she stated looking down at the floor once again. My host instincts kicked in and I smiled as I held her chin and made her look up. "Why don't you try coming to Music Room #3 after school?' I asked staring into her e/c eyes. I tried to keep calm but to me it almost felt like I was the one getting lost in her eyes. "Sure," I heard a whisper before Kyoya grabbed my sleeve and pulled me out of the store.

   My Dad began to lecture us on how our behavior should be when the guests started arriving. But once a few families arrived he let us split up and socialize on our own. As I walked around I noticed a girl sitting in a f/c dress and looked like she was bored. I sighed and pushed up my glasses before slowly walking towards her. I softly tapped her shoulder and pointed to the seat next to her,"Is someone sitting here?". She smiled sweetly at me,"No, no one's sitting there,". I smiled back at her before asking,"Is everything alright?". She giggled before shaking her head,"yeah everything is fine, it's just my parents believe it's my destiny to marry one of the Ootori boys, they were lecturing me the whole time how to make myself look 'suitable',". 'wait.. does she know I'm an Ootori? Or does she know and simply not like my family?' I tried to figure her out in my head. "Do you not like any of them?". She smiled to herself,"I"m sure all of them are pleasant and great people, but I don't like that my parents are trying to make me have feelings for someone I've never met,". I smiled at her,'She's never met us and she's only upset about her parents' I opened my mouth to introduce myself when a woman walked up to the table. "It's nice to see that you're getting along with Kyoya Ootori Y/n," the woman stated. I watched in slight amusement as I saw y/n's eyes widen and her mouth make an 'o' shape before I spoke,"It was nice talking to you Y/n," I smiled as I grabbed her hand and kissed it. A few minutes later I turned around and saw Y/n blushing and smirked to myself.

  Hikaru and I walked down an almost empty street as we talked about a new video game. I turned my head to look forward in time to see a girl run straight into me. I opened my eyes and met e/c ones I placed my hands on her stomach and slowly pushed her up when I'm guessing that the both of us barely noticed that how she landed on me made her straddle my hips. I felt my cheeks heat up and saw one cover hers before she stood up and I finally noticed how her h/c h/c hair framed her face. "I am soooo sorry but I really really need to go," she apologized before walking past me and then continued her running. 
   (after this is the exact same as from the first scenario because there was a POV change) 
  I stood up and looked behind me as the girl started running again she turned a corner and Hikaru was about to say something before we both heard someone yell. We both looked at each other before a man ran past us with a bag. “I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT!” we heard a girl yell before she passed us chasing the man. I was about to chase the man but she caught up to him and grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him towards her. She turned him around and kneed him in the gut and punched his nose before grabbing her bag and running back the way she came mumbling “Shit shit shit shit shit.”. I looked to see the guy holding onto his bleeding nose and saw a cellphone next to him, I picked it up and Hikaru looked over my shoulder. “We should try to call her or something.” I suggested. Hikaru nodded before a call came on the phone and saw a call from Honey. “Why would he be calling her?” Hikaru asked.

   Karou and I, along with the girls we were hosting were all playing hide and seek. right now I was seeking when I heard running footsteps 'Found you...' I smirked before following the sound. I followed them and stopped when I saw a slightly tired girl. She was panting and I assumed she was the one running. I steppe closer to her and she turned to me,"I've never seen you here before, are you a new student? She blushed and pushed me back a step, I stared at her with my eyes wide while she spoke,"I just got here today. I'm Y/n L/n. You are?" she smiled. She'd be an interesting toy,' I thought ,"Hikaru Hitachiin. You should come by the Host club it's in Music Room 3,". Y/n groaned before looking at me,"Why does everyone keep talking about that club? What's so special about it?". I chuckled before I noticed she looked at a driver outside the gates,"Just come by," I told her before I went back to hunting hiders. 

   I tapped my pencil against the desk while I looked up and saw the teacher with a h/c-haired girl ,"Class this is a new student Y/n L/n,". Y/n smiled and waved to the class before the teacher spoke again,"Y/n sit next to Haruhi. Haruhi raise your hand so Y/n knows where you are. I raised my hand and as Y/n sat next to me I smiled at her,"It's nice to meet you Y/n.". "Same to you Haruhi, I was actually pretty nervous about coming to a new school." Y/n admitted. 'Why would she be nervous?' I thought. "You ahve no reason to be you're really nice," I tried to assure her. I continued talking to Y/n during the independent work during class and agreed to talk to each other after school because we lived close to each other. 

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