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no one p.o.v

after the whole scene earlier, soonyoung quickly paid all the stuff he bought and went straight to a playground next to the supermarket 

silence filled the air as they sat on the bench with a clear view of haneul playing not having a single clue on what's going on

"talk" wonwoo said replacing the silence that once filled the air

"...it's going to be a long story is it okay ?" 

wonwoo raised his eyebrows confused but nodded anyway

soonyoung took a deep breath and started to talk

well here goes nothing, soonyoung thought

"his name is kwon haneul, five years old this year..." he started

"i first met him in the park next to my apartment building about 2 years ago so it was when he was around 3. when i first met him i thought that he was just a lost child who got separated with his parents but i soon found out that was not the case..."

wonwoo listened carefully to every single word he said as soonyoung held his shaking hands together looking down at his lap before he continued "...his parent or more like his mother purposely left him there because she can't took care of him anymore and at that moment i really don't know what to do, at first i was thinking to place him in the orphanage like how the police suggested. but something inside me was not letting me do it. it's a pretty stupid choice, yes..." he said with a small laugh

"...but that stupid decision might be the best one i have ever made, because since that day my life has changed completely. it's hard at first i admit it was pretty stressful, i have to start taking care of someone else other than myself, make money for both of us, raise a child. but with a little help and support from my friends and that smile of his really made me survive till this day" 

after he finishes his whole story time the atmosphere becomes tense again as wonwoo didn't said a single word 

and again with what feels like the thousand time soonyoung's heart began racing as he panics 

wonwoo was startled when soonyoung abruptly stood up and bow in front of him

wonwoo stares soonyoung confusingly as he began talking "i-i'm sorry for lying, i shouldn't have done that. i lied because i'm scared that if i said that i was a single father you would fire me like the jobs i have had before. i'm so sorry please don't fire me i promise this won't happen again" 

his voice was a little shaky due to how nervous he was

wonwoo sigh as he stand up from the bench facing soonyoung

"stand up properly" he said 

soonyoung was confused but followed nonetheless, not daring to meet wonwoo's eyes he just hung his head down while clutching onto his hoodie with his still shaking hands

soonyoung was preparing for a slap, a yell- basically the worst of the worst

wonwoo raised his hands as soonyoung shut his eyes waiting for the pain  of a slap but all that he felt was wonwoo's large and caressing his hair ever so gently 

wait what ?  soonyoung thought

he opened his eyes along as he felt blood rushing up his face

he looked up to meet wonwoo's once cold eyes which was now filled with something soonyoung can't really explain

wonwoo continued caressing the his hair while he said, "i'm not going to fire you, i mean it is shocking, yes. but you have your reason, so it's okay" he said looking back at soonyoung

"w-wait, really ?" soonyoung asked 

"yes really" wonwoo reverted back his hands and changed to his usual cold persona while inside his mind he was panicking as to why he did his action earlier

with that said, soonyoung worries wash away and his once nervous face was replaced by a big smile

"t-thank you... thank you so much" he said truly grateful

their little moment was interrupted when soonyoungs hoodie was suddenly tugged

soonyoung crouched down to the same level as haneul, "what's wrong hannie ?" he softly asked the little one

"i'm hungry appa" he said while holding his tummy

and that's when he remembered that he was going to make lunch in the first place that was slightly interrupted by all this thing happening

"okay hannie, we're going to eat soon okay ?" he said to the pouting boy

"ah, i think i should head back" wonwoo said awkwardly as he walk off

"w-wait, d-do you mind having lunch a m-my place ?" soonyoung asked while grabbing wonwoo's shirt stopping him to go further

wonwoo looked at his shirt where soonyoung's hands were which soon was reverted back 

"i-i mean, as an apology. i-it's not much but i hope it'll work for now.. ?" he said feeling a little unsure

wonwoo just simply nodded, "great ! and um, we're going to walk to my house if it's ok with you" he said, "wait, how do you get here ? is it by car ? do you have a meeting or something ? i totally forgot.." soonyoung said as he remembered

well he was supposed to know if wonwoo has a meeting or not but soonyoung haven't look at the schedule so he doesn't really remembered

"i, um, i came by... bus. and there's no meeting whatsoever" he lied, he actually had his car parked on the supermarkets parking lot and was going to have a meeting in an hour, he was basically passing by the supermarket on his way to the meeting but decided to randomly buy pasta because he was planning on learning how to cook

but walking together and spending time with soonyoung is way more like it to wonwoo

"okay then, let's go" he said with a relieved smile as he hold haneuls hand

he was about to pick up the shopping bags but only to foind it was already in wonwoo's hand

" i can bring them on my own you know" he protested but only to get ignored by wonwoo

soonyoung gave up and lead the way to his house




this is kinda short lmao sorry hope you liked it ^^


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