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no one p. o. v

— in the car —

soonyoung and wonwoo was now heading to the company, soonyoung was seated in the front passenger seat and wonwoo in the driver seat

this ride is awfully silent, soonyoung thought

although they rarely talk to each other on their car rides on a daily basis, but in today's case the silence is a little bit different

probably because the intense aura wonwoo was portraying while having that glare on wonwoo's eyes that doesn't seem that it'll go off any soon

yup, he is defenitely in a bad mood, soonyoung thought again

which he's right, wonwoo is in fact in a really bad mood that he felt like even the tiniest things that bothered him can instantly flip him out

he was rarely in a good mood whenever his parents are in town, because they just brought so much pressure and stress on wonwoo

whenever they're in town wonwoo's brain was immediately making him think that he can't afford to fail at anything because his parents will be watching every single thing he does

yes, his family fucked his mind / childhood that bad

it's also the main reason why wonwoo wanted to drive the car himself because for him driving is a form of distraction

when he's driving he become more focused on the road and less on his other thoughts

it's the same thing for him when he's working, because when he's working all he can think of is that work he has to do and make him forget about all his problem even if it's just for a few minutes

soonyoung who was obviously uncomfortable with the atmosphere of the car decided to gather up his courage and asked wonwoo, "s-sir, are you okay ?"

the voice came out soft and cautious since he's afraid that him questioning wonwoo would just make his mood a lot worse

but it was actually the complete opposite

wonwoo immediately brought back from his deep thoughts when he heard the soft voice from beside that weirdly calm him down a little bit

he looked beside him just to say the owner of the voice looking at him with pure worry in his eyes

"what ?" he asked soonyoung sounding rude just because he was still pissed, though it was not intentionally

"i-i just thought that you looked like you were in a bad mood today so i just wanted to make sure.." soonyoung answered nervously

wonwoo sigh as he looked back at the road, "yeah i am, but it's not that big of a deal"

it doesn't seems like it though, soonyoung thought as he frowns

"do you... want to talk about it ?" soonyoung asked with his voice getting softer as he speaks

wonwoo stayed quiet

the reason is because wonwoo has never had anyone to talked about his family problems other than mingyu because he always had a rough time trusting anybody in general

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