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(don't know if the gif works since it's from my phone so if it really doesn't i'll change that when i got my laptop fixed)

soonyoung p.o.v

he left not long ago but here i am still flustered over a single smile

i already placed haneul on the bed

i sat on the couch here staring into space

memory of wonwoo smiling were running trough my mind as i felt heat spreading across my face

"oh my god soonyoung it's just a smile, stop blushing" i murmured to myself while placing both of my palms in my cheek

i decided to have a late night shower to wash my mind from all of that

wonwoo p.o.v

after leaving soonyoung's house i went back to the convenience store first so that i can drive my car

did i just smile earlier ? wow it's been a while since i genuinlely smiled to someone, i thought while driving the car to get to my family's house

i didn't really think that much thought about it but what i don't know is just how much that smile has affected soonyoung

i finally reached my destination after a few minutes of driving
tre gate opened as they saw my car coming in

i parked my car, and went inside

a few maids greets me as they noticed my arrival

"wonwoo, my dear i see that you're finally here. how are you ?" my stepmother greets me as she saw me walking towards the living room

"where's father ?" i asked her not bothering to greet her back

she tries to hold back her annoyance and answered, "he's waiting for you in the office dear"

i nodded and headed to my father's office

i reached to his office and knocked on the door while saying, "father, it's me wonwoo"

"come in son" he said after he heard my voice
i opened the door and went inside

"take a seat" he said while motioning me to seat on the chair across his desk and so i did exactly that

"how is work son ? is everything alright ?" he immediately asked not even bothering to ask me how i am but not that i cared anyway

"it's fine, there's a some small problems here and there but it doesn't affect the company at all so it should be fine for now" i answered

"i'm glad to hear that, i know i can count on you son" he said with a proud grin on his face

we talked again for a few minutes but all we ever talked about is work, money, tye company and all that shit

he's never interested in my life unless it would has something to do with him, money or his company

and as you can probably guest it now, me and my family's relationship wasn't the best one out there well but it never really did anyway so..

anyways, when i was a kid i lived a somewhat normal life with my parents except for the fact that mu father always bashing me with topics about the company and how i would take over it someday, money and all that kinda stuff while my mother never really pushed me into doing anything and just letting me do what i want she was the most caring and lovely person i ever known

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