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It was 7:00pm the following Monday, and I had just settled down in my room with the pizza I ordered to watch Monday Night RAW. I kindly told my dad and Viv to take the night off from cooking me dinner, but what I really I wanted was to be alone so I could watch my Kingslayer in action!

He was up against Kane tonight, who he still had beef with over the whole Evolution/Management thing, and Roman was going against Cena for the US open challenge he was putting up, so I was gonna Facetime with Court while watching the show.

I felt even more excited this time to watch the show, because with God knows how many fans that were in attendance tonight at the Blue Cross arena in Rochester New York...I was the only lucky fan who had a personal connection with him. I know I've said it before, but having a secret like this just made me feel all the more special, just the permanent smile on my face alone was proof of that.

Our friendship was going from strength to strength, and we had been in constant contact with each other every day since I'd sent him that picture. And even though I was scared to jinx myself, I had to say things between us were going great!!

We had learnt so much about each other already, and I was getting to know a side of Seth that I couldn't imagine even in my of wildest of dreams. He really was quite the extraordinary man, but the thing I loved so far which he'd told me-that I didn't already know- was the fact that he wanted to settle down and have kids someday, one girl and one boy. He'd even picked out names for them already...for the girl he told me he liked: Darcy, for the boy: Ruben, in honour of his biological father who was Armenian. I just found that the most sweetest thing in the world, and would forever treasure his warm heart close to mine.

And if that wasn't enough, things were set to get even sweeter because Seth told me to watch the show closely tonight, as he was going to slyly wink into the camera for me during his heart melted when he told me that!


''Girl, I swear, Imma kick that Cena's ass! Talk about oh you can't see me, well you gonna see me tonight mother fucker, Imma whoop that boys ass for beating on my Roman like that'' Courtney was hollering at me through our Facetime app.

''Relax girl, Roman won in the end, he's United States Champion now, so celebrate'' I told her, giggling at her cute little outburst.

''I knew my boo boo would win, and dang that belt be looking so good round his waste'' she grinned happily.

Just then I heard Seth's music come on, and I began jumping up and down and cheering loudly!

''Girl, take a chill pill, he can't hear you through the TV'' Court teased, rolling her eyes at me.

''It's the thought that counts'' I teased back.

''Girl you still wearing that tee-shirt?'' she said, peering through the phone.

I looked down and realised yes indeed I was still wearing my Kingslayer tee-shirt, I don't even remember putting it on...then again, I hadn't really taken it off since I got it, I giggled to myself.

''I guess I am. Ooooh, here we go!'' I said turning up the volume ''...Court, I'll call you back''

''Girl, you better not be cutti-''

I quickly closed the phone and positioned myself to watch my Kingslayer in action....


''Wow!'' I said out loud, standing up and applauding his did great baby, and damn you look so hot Seth, all sweaty and out of breath like that...I instantly began drooling, but sat down quickly when Seth grabbed a mic from one of the ring attendees.

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