What does it mean to love?

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You stood in front of Kim Taehyung and Zen your new co-stars for this new movie. You had watched Taehyungs previous drama, Hwarang, and had enjoyed it very much, this would be his first movie role and altough he wore his famous box smile his eyes seemed to show a bit of nervousness in them.

"Hello! I am the vocalist of BTS Kim Taehyung, its nice to meet you Y/N sunbaenim" he bowed before you and you bowed back quickly.

"Hello, its nice to meet you! I'm a big fan of you" you smiled at him, and at Zen who had been one of your favourite actors so far.

"It's nice to officially meet you as well Zen sunbaenim" you bowed to him who acknowledged it with a bow on his own.

"Thank you! I've been a fan of you as well, please keep supporting me" Taehyung said, his shoulders dropping a bit of the tension it had previously held.

"Please take good care of me y/n sunbaenim, zen sunbaenim" Taehyung bowed again.

He seemed very respectful you noticed right away, even though BTS were currently world wide stars.

The movie director came and explained that today you all would go over the script without acting first and only by reading aloud.

The other co-stars were already seated in circle, and as you four approached everyone stood quickly to greet and bow at you, which you all quickly responded to with a bow of your own.

You sat in the middle of Zen and Taehyung. As you began role playing. Zen played the doctor while Taehyung was your soulmate.

"I know its against the universe!" Zen cried, "but i can not live without you, i could not even love my soulmate as much as i love you"

"I" you began to read your script, fully aware of Taehyung's eyes on you. "I do love you" you shed a tear as well, getting into character "i just met my soulmate and"

"And what?!" Zen yelled making you jump a little. "What could there be possible be that is more important than our love? All the memories we made?" He began to speak softly "does it mean nothing now that you have found him?"

"Thats not it" you cried "it's just not fair to him, i dont want to be with him, i only want to give him the chance to have his soulmate in his life" your voice cracked through your tears, "as friends"

Zen began to laugh, sounding rather sinister. "Friends yeah right"

"Cut!" The director screamed. "That was great! Let's continue to page 394, meeting with the soulmate"

Taehyung seemed a bit nervous, and you tried to give him a reassuring smile.

"It's great to finally meet you" Taehyung read while smiling brightly at you. You knew your script and didnt needed to read it the whole time, having been told to learn these two scenes, besides a bit of improvisation never hurt an actor.

"Ye yeah, its nice to finally meet you as well" you replied trying your best to bring the hesitation clear to your voice.

"I've imagined this my whole life!" Taehyung beamed. For a second you forget you were acting, having imagined the moment you met your soulmate as a small child as well, before it had been shattered by your own soulmate.

"Is it the way you imagined?" You asked him

"Nope!" Taehyung giggled, "it's so much better."

"I dont know how to tell you this" you began to say, as Taehyung looked at his script in confusion. "I never believed in soulmates, i'm sorry, but i'm already in a relationship"

"But?" Taehyung started, still looking at his script in confusion, as he decided to just go with the next line. "Surely you would leave him? I'm your soulmate?" He questioned. To which you only apologized.

"What about me then?" You knew his script, it wasnt in there and you gave Taehyung a smile and thumbs up for improvising.

"Perhaps we could be friends?" You managed.

"You are right, this was not what i had imagined." He said shortly. "I have to go. Good luck with your relationship. I suppose"

The director clapped his hands followed by your co-stars in the room.

"Great! Loved the improvisation Taehyung" he called to which the boy beamed in excitement.

"I have seen enough, and i will make some changes to the smaller parts" he nodded to himself, "we will start shooting next week" with that everyone was free to go.

"I can't wait to know how the story ends. What do you think who will your character choose in the end?" Taehyung asked still excited as though he was a little puppy.

"In most of these stories the main character will choose their soulmate" Zen mused, you had to agree.

"Yes, i suppose Zen sunbaenim is correct, altough if it was me, i would choose the doctor" you said and regretted it a moment later when Taehyung looked at you sadly.

"But what about your soulmate?" He questioned so lowly, you were sure you werent supposed to hear it and therefore didnt answer it.

"Please just call me Zen" Zen smiled at the both of you, "we will be working together for a long time"

You acknowledged it with a nod and a smile. You saw Jaehee with your car in the front. "This is me" you announced saying goodbye to your coworkers.

"See you next week sunbaenim" Taehyung waved and bowed.

"Please Taehyung, call me Y/N" you answered smiling.

"Alright Y/N, lets become good friends" he waved even harder.

You smiled and went to Jaehee, who opened your door quickly.

"Y/N ssi, you forgot to wear your mask." She said holding it infront of your face. "Again" she continued after a small pause. You took it from her hand, sighing loudly.

"Did the reading not go well?" She asked, you just wished your conversation weren't all about work. But you paid her to do everything, from making sure you looked good to making sure you were healthy. She was basically paid to mother and control you around.

"It went well, when do i have free time?" You asked looking out of your darkened window to see a few fans had been waiting in the front entrance of the building, holding up signs with your name as well as Zen's. Taehyung had been a surprise to you as well, but you were sure the signs would hold his name pretty soon.

You told the driver to slow down, as you opened your window to wave at your waiting fans, most yelled for you to stop, other yelled their support.

"Please get home safe!" You found yourself yelling waving one last time before you passed them.

"We have a busy day ahead" Jaehee announced, as you pulled the window back up. "You need to model for that interview you had given 3 days ago, they want you front page" you only listend to her with one ear, while you scrolled through your phone.

"Your lunch is beside you" great, another day another take-away. "Eat up, you will need your strength. The agency has decided to give you special lessons to really portray your character being in love"

You stopped listening afterwards, love was a feeling foreign to you. Your agency knew that all too well.
So it made sense for them to hire a coach to teach you.

"Y/N ssi" she sighed, "they made a new mealplan for you and new training plan, you will play a sporty character, so please try to become at least a little athletic"

You snorted in reply, "you act as though i was a potato, Jaehee, you wound me" you had been doing all sorts of sport ever since joining the agency, to loose weight, to keep your weight, and to be fit in general.

This was the first role, were you played the main character, you would be in almost every scene, your agency's reputation was on the line, and they worried you wouldnt be able to portray being in love.

Could you? Having never loved anyone? Having had your heart broken by your own soulmate. Would you be able to portray being in love?

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