What are those feelings?

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You doubted you ever laughed so hard in your life as seeing Taehyung and Jungkook bickering with each other.

You did look around frequently the last thing you needed was dating rumors especially with the members of BTS, your career would be over when it just barely started.

"Jungkookie here has been a fan of yours ever since you debuted" Taehyung said as he slurped his noodles into his mouth with a teasing smile.

"Don't say it like that" Jungkook complained hiding his face behind his hands, you noticed how big and veiny they were and seeing that alone flustered you so much you turned slightly red.

"Thank you" You said looking at Jungkook, or rather his hands "i will work harder"

"I loved your first movie, and i usually don't watch horror movies, was a shame to see you being killed so soon though" Jungkook said as he let his hands fall back down.

"It was scary on set even, i was a bit afraid during the movie. The director never told us about the jump scares, so my reactions were mostly genuine" you laughed remembering your first movie you filmed at age 15. You were teased for that movie in school a lot.

"I really like your songs" you said, you hated being on the receiving end of compliments never really knowing what to do "I feel that i can relate to the lyrics"

"Thank you" Jungkook and Taehyung said at the same time "but enough about work" Taehyung said "lets talk about something else"

You thought you would soon have nothing left to talk about, but these two could talk for hours. Until you heard voices from behind and immediately pulled your mask up and hat low. "Just relax" Jungkook said, "if you act normal then most people dont even notice"

"I'm rarely outside" you admitted trying to reduce the tension in your shoulders. "How did you find this place?"

"We used to come here often, before we debuted. Its so nice near the river, and the ramen is the best"

"No, you have to try Seokjin hyungs food once. That is the best food!" Jungkook beamed and you wished he wouldn't as your heart skipped a beat.

"I wish i could" you confessed, "but unless the rules change in the agency i'm not sure how"

"You could always sneak to us" Taehyung laughed "no one has to know"

You doubted Jaehee would let you do this often, but you smiled in response telling them you would try your best. As though reading your mind, Jaehee called you.

"Yes?" You answered

"Should i come pick you up? You have a busy day tomorrow" the disappointment you felt was not describable, you wanted to have this every day, you wanted to make this last, but once again the freedom was stripped from you.

"Let me call you back in a bit" you answered.

"Sorry, i need to go home, what's the address so i can text it to my manager?" You asked, knowing Jaehee would have a fit if she knew you weren't where she dropped you off.

"It's alright, we can drive you" Taehyung smiled.

So you texted Jaehee just that, and found yourself singing in the back seat along with Jungkook and Taehyung. Though your voice seemed definitely not up to par with them, they didn't seem to mind.

"Let's do this again" Jungkook smiled just as you got ready to get out of the car. "When our schedule allows it" he said.

"I would love to" you said looking at them both, you quickly left and went to your apartment.

Not even 5 minutes later, there was a knock on your door. You opened to find a unimpressed Jaehee standing before you.

"What has gotten into you lately?" Jaehee started to rant as she made her way into your apartment.

"Please do come in" you said as she had already passed you.

"This attitude is exactly what i'm talking about" Jaehee said throwing her hands in the air.

Jaehee although had the title Manager, was more of an assistant to you, as your real manager only contacted you through Jaehee.

"Would you like some tea?" You said closing the door and walking to the kitchen.

"Y/N!" Jaehee screeched, "listen, the agency is not happy with your behaviour" you stopped glaring at Her.

"All i did, was meet a friend"

"Your frienda were male" she fished her phone out of her pocket "this was send to Manager-nim by one of his close friends" you looked at a picture of you and Taehyung walking to the bench were jungkook was already waiting with his food. She scrolled to the left as she had your attention and there was a picture where you pulled your hat low and turned around, you had almost looked into the direction of the camera.

"The media wont care if you are friends or not" Jaehee concluded.
"The Fans, especially their fans wont see that you are only friends, when i tell you no bad press i mean you should be careful?" You sighed and avoided her eyes as you nodded "you are lucky this was one of our friends, or this picture would have been send to the fastest news station."

"I got it, i will be more careful" you said.

"This is your last chance" Jaehee told you, "He said one more mistake scandal or not, and you will not be allowed to go anywhere alone" and that was why you considered Jaehee and assistant and him your manager. He was cruel, was fast acting while Jaehee delivers his message.

"Alright, alright" you sighed loudly. "I should get some rest" you looked at hervpointedly.

"Yes you should" she replied, she said her goodbye and left your apartment.

You received a notification ok your phone Jaehee send you a picture, you sighed.

Another notification came in unknown number texted

"I had so much fun, lets do it again sometime- Jungkook" why was your heart always beating so fast when it came to him?

"I'd love to" you replied, the picture and Jaehee's warning already forgotten.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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