Meeting BTS

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You had fun filming with Taehyung and Zen, you were halfway finished with the movie, and were sad that you only had such little time with these two left.

"Zen hyung" Kim Taehyung called after he had finished his scene, "I have some trouble with this" he showed his script, turning slightly red you noticed.

"well i can't teach you, but is your company sure that ARMY wont mind this?" Zen countered and this peaked you interest as you walked to them.

"Well, we kinda just found out about it" Taehyung admitted.

"Which scene are you talking about?" You asked looking over his shoulder to see you two had a kiss scene as you choose to stay with your soulmate.

"None" Taehyung said hiding his script.

"Come one Taehyung-ah, show me as well" you smirked knowing already which scene got the singer nervous. You had been nervous for your first kiss scene as well, as honestly it was just awkward for both actors.

"Yah! Aren't i older? Shouldn't you call me Oppa?" Taehyung jokingly ruffled your hair, as you pouted.

Would it this time turn into real friendship? Those two were after all more famous than you, they wouldnt use you, but would they still be in contact after shooting?

"Y/N" you looked at Taehyung, he shoved a ticket in your face "it's tomorrow night, the big finale concert here in Seoul, please come"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world!" You said earnestly taking the ticket from him.

"I will see you backstage!" He promised he said his goodbye and went to his car, only then you realized he had changed the topic with such ease.

Jaehee was late today, you typed her a message quickly. You weren't that close with Zen yet and feared it would become awkward soon.

"You will come as well right?" You asked Zen who was on his phone as well.

"Of course, should we go together?" He asked still only paying attention to his phone.

You usually had to ask Jaehee for permission first, but you felt that this might become your real friends and didnt want to destroy the chance and ruin your first friendship "sure" you replied shortly, "Jaehee sure takes her time today" you complained to Zen who only laughed in response.

"That's why i dont have an assistant and drive by my own" he unlocked his car using his car keys with a smug grin. You rolled your eyes.

"Thats because you have the freedom" you grumbled to which he laughed even more.

"You will too, once they realize they could loose you to another company" you sighed, you liked your agency, sure it had many rules, no dating, no bad press, no driving alone, always let one of the company managers know where you are and going, but it was your home.

"Come! I'll drive you home. Oppa will treat you to dinner as well" he said as he ruffled your hair, which you quickly straightened out by his car window.

You called Jaehee as you sat in Zen's car. "Zen is driving me home, you dont need to come anymore"

"But we are almost there!" Jaehee seemed to be at a loss of words, this was your first time doing it, was this your new rebel phase? Chasing after a bit of freedom?

"I dont have anything else scheduled for the day right?" You questioned, you havent known your schedule for years, ever since the agency assigned Jaehee to you.

"No you are clear until tomorrow night, there is a party you need to attend" you cursed slightly receiving a raised eyebrow from Zen.

"Can you cancel it? I'm going to the BTS concert, Taehyung invited me"

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