A new friendship begins

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After meeting the other members Taehyung seemed to warm up to you even more,
He began texting you more, started calling you to talk about your day and even video called with other members around.

"I'm so tired today" Taehyung texted

"Dance practice?" You replied, you just came home from shooting the scene where you and the doctor had a fight. All the screaming and crying really got you tired as well.

"Hoseok hyung is no joke" the response came making you smile.

"Make sure you drink a lot!"

"Alright mother :/"

You starred at your vibrating phone -incoming video call TaeTae-

"Hello Tae"

"I'm really nervous for tomorrow's scene" it was a kissing scene between the two soulmates, the director wanted there to be firework and it should be dark at night too see it clear.

"It wont be like a real romantic kiss, we will just press our lips together" you said.

"Is that disappointment in your voice?" He laughed.

"Of course not!" You stammered you could feel the heat in your cheeks.

"Ah, Jungkook-ah" Taehyung suddenly yelled, as Jungkooks shadow grew bigger and bigger until he was finally in frame. You waved to him.

"What are you talking about?" Jungkook asked

"Tomorrow's scene" it was now Taehyung's turn to redden like a tomato.

"Ah the kissing scene" Jungkook sounded almost jealous. "Wouldn't it be weird if you guys find out through that, that you were really destined to be together?"

"It's not my way of finding my soulmate" you smiled, lots of interviewers always ask if you had found yours already, or yoir way of contacting or finding said soulmate and you always said no.

"How do you know?" Jungkook seemed pretty interesting to find your soulmate.

"Because i know how to find them, and wont even bother to try it again"

"You are all so lucky, i haven't found my way to find them yet" the disappointment was clearly evident in his voice and face.

"It's a shame, I would have been honored to be your soulmate" you winked at Tae.

"Your current Soulmate is the lucky one" Taehyung whispered.

"Yeah, not so much me" you snorted.

"Come to the dorm, next you are free" Jungkook suddenly said, he began to drink a glass of wine or so it seemed.

"Can't sorry" you said, "i'm not allowed to by my company. Unless they want to start dating rumors" there was a flash of hurt on Jungkooks face before it quickly vanished.
"Why dont we meet outside? I know a place where artist can meet in peace, no fans and no cameras"

"Send me the time and place" Jungkook smiled, while Taehyung nodded.

The place was mostly used to date. But since Jungkook will be there with Taehyung it shouldn't be a problem you thought

You decided to meet them the day after the kiss scene. Tomorrow would be a long day and you would need to get every bit of rest you could.

"Y/N, the vocal coach is here" Jaehee's voice rang through your room.

"Are you gonna sing?" Jungkook asked you

"Its for a role after this movie. I have to prepare and train my voice from now on." You explained, "sorry, i have to go. See you next time" you hung up with a wave before following Jaehee to the vocal lessons.

Soulmate Universe : Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now