My soulmate doesnt want me?

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You were by no means an ordinary person, you have worked hard to get where you are now. You have worked day and night to achieve your dream to become a respected moviestar

All because your soulmate had from a young age decided he didn't wanted to have anything to do with you, and you wanted to show him that you would be the perfect person everyone aspired to be and to be with.

Yet you had never thought that despite the fact you had made it, you still felt lonely.

You had no real friends, it seemed that the people who wanted to be with you were doing it for the fame. Had it been worth it?

You remembered the time your mother had told you about soulmates and how each person had their own way of finding them. Some were lucky with names on their body, they could just google them at this day and age.

You could communicate with your soulmate through your body as well, everything you wrote on your body will appear on your soulmate, except for make-up, scars or bruises. There was a theory that make up was too light, but a marker went deeper into the skin.

You had found that from your parents when in kindergarten your skin would be full of colored markers even though you had not painted.

Ever since then, you had tried to contact them. But they never wrote back. When you were 11 you had even written on your face a big "HELLO! :)" but you have never received anything in return that you were almost sure this wasn't your way of finding your soulmate at all.

Until you were 14, and received one single comment on your wrist, you were happy as you woke up to a black blur on your wrist, and were immediately awake to read the message.

A simply hello would have had you scream in delight. What you got made you tear up instead.

"Please don't contact me, i'm trying to become a singer"

You grabbed your marker next to your nightstand you had used ever night and morning to leave your soulmate good day and night wishes. You scrambled a shaky "what?" Below your wrist.

"I don't have time, please be understanding"

You didn't have it in you to respond again after that.

And thats how you decided to make your soulmate regret it all. You asked your parents the next hours to sign you up to a acting agency.

You worked day and night, you had to loose weight and learn how to take interviews, how to talk about something without revealing it, had to take acting lessons and had no childhood at all.

Some days you regretted your decisions, seeing your school friends all happy and free while you had worked. You had quiet a following after starring in a movie about soulmates to your irony.

But with a following the freedom of yours was cut even shorter.

A knock brought you out of your daydreaming.

"Yes?" You called out.

"They are waiting for you in hair and make-up, y/n ssi" you stood up, only wearing a long white robe, it was easier to dress in your costumes after getting make-up done that way.

You opened the door to the Manager Jaehee, with a trained on smile you greeted her.

Was everything about your life fake? You couldn't remember the last time your smile has been genuine.

So you went in VLive, to protect your family from obsessed fans you hardly met them, your schedules didn't leave much room for it anyway. So your fans although sometimes intrusive were your family now, and you did love them dearly.

"Hello! You smiled as you went live and your fans quickly joined, " i'm the 19 year old aspiring actress y/n" you bowed slightly, "i hope you all have a great day"
You read some comments, while still smiling making sure you looked as pretty as always.

What do you mean aspiring? You are already one of the best?! One fan wrote while another complimented you on looking pretty without having much make/up on.

The make up artist, your fans loved started working on your hair while you kept on talking to your fans and reading their comments.

"It's my first day on set, and i will meet all the actors and actresses today, i will work hard to make this an enjoyable movie for you to watch"

You had not met your co-stars yet and were a little excited to meet them today, you didn't really need hair and make up today as today was only to test your and their on screen chemistry. But you had the need to always look picture perfect.

"I really love this song currently" you said grabbing your personal phone to play BTS - Spring day.

You danced to the song a little before being lightly scolded by your make-up artist.

"Ah, i'm sorry i have to cut it this short", you said after only being live for 15 minutes, "but before he murders me" you whispered to your fans pointing at your make-up artist "i better sit still" you laughed a little.

A lot of fans commented that they did not mind to just see you sitting still.

"Please keep supporting me! I love you" you smiled,
"Oh and keep sending me your favorite songs so i can check them out as well" you waved at the camera goodbye before sending flying kisses, "goodbye!" Then you turned it off with a smile as the screen closed and grew dark your smile disappeared as well.

You took the chance to run through your script another time, as your make-up artist finished on your hair and went to your face slightly touching it up.

You were currently filming a new movie about a doctor who falls in love with his patient, who finds her soulmate during their relationship, and they have to choose between their soulmate and their boyfriend.

Most of your movies were currently about soulmates, you didn't mind, although having the bitter reminder did hurt you. You vowed to never, choose your soulmate who had only reached out one time to reject you.

You would rather die alone than to be with that person. You had no idea how wrong you would be.

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