🛑 Billie Eilish : Bad Guy 🛑

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"You said she's scared of me? I don't see what she sees, maybe it's because I'm wearing your cologne."

; Gangster AU! ;

You knew the kind of individual Tommy Lee was. You knew the level of risk you were taking to be with this man and this man alone. It wasn't basic science, but it did take a lot of chemistry between you two to finally figure out that you both had feelings for the other. 

You both gave in to the facts: he fell in love with a college student and you fell in love with a sharp shooter from a gang. You never thought you could fall in love with a man, who was voluntarily in a mafia, and Tommy, better known as 10K, never thought he'd grow to adore a nerd in glasses. 

Yet, here you two are. Six months into this dangerous, secret relationship. The secret was kept inside the members of Z Nation, of course, but even that was a risk. You two began to live with each other after a Lockdown was commenced for 10K, because a member from Z Nation had been killed. 

10K was not allowed to see a living soul outside from other members for a couple of months, and he wasn't allowed to leave the safety of his apartment complex. Of course, that didn't stop you from sneaking inside his apartment's window. 

Still, that did put a sort of strain on the relationship since Charlie would do personal, careful home searches in order to reassure himself that his best shooter and scout was in the green zone. 

Hiding in places that were anything but comfortable really did make a girl upset. So, for a solution, you just began living with him. His idea, of course. Now, since the disappearance of their best and only hacker, Citizen Z, had been brought to everyone's attention, 10K was putting you on his own form of Lockdown. 

Which did not make you a happy camper.

|| (Y/N)'s P.O.V ||

I stood behind the chair at one end of the large dining table with my arms wrapped tightly around my chest, my back faced the door I was trying to leave out. Tommy stood behind the chair at the other end of the brown table, his position mocking my own. 

Our glares would seem vicious to the people who didn't actually know us. Everyone from Z Nation knew that Tommy could never get mad at me, even when we were having an actual argument. 

He could never take me seriously, especially when my (F/C) frames were on top of my nose. There were three chairs on either side of the dining table with a complementary fake fruit basket set in the middle for decorations. 

In the middle of the table three books were settled on top, awaiting for my pickup.

"I'm going." I spoke up from the intense silence we were both encouraging, attempting to cut a single thread of control he had over me.

The plan was for me to leave, with telling Tommy where I'd be located and head to the local cafe that was a couple blocks over to see and study with my college buddy. Our final exams were coming up, so education life was just as tense as this relationship.

"Under who's request?" He finally asked.

"Under who's request?" He finally asked

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