🧁 Tiagz : Muffins In The Freezer 🧁

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I did.. what you gonna do about it.. nothing.. I did.

; School/Gangster-ish AU! ;

As everyone already knows, love can come in many forms; you can love someone platonically, you can absolutely adore someone on a romantic or spiritual level. Love can be hidden under the dirt until you finally discover it.

The feeling of being in love has various ways of being shown. All it takes is one simple involvement or encouragement to reveal the emotion.

|| No One's P.O.V ||

High school is the point in life where you figure yourself out without stressing about it. It's where you can risk your first heartbreak, or experience your first and only love. Not only that, but it's also the time period where you get to decide which path you'll take for society's growth.

For Tommy Lee, he took the path that saved him from a missing father and a mother who was barely ever home. He took a path that made him execute not-so innocent souls, but get labelled a 'murderer' on the headlines.

Yet, no one had ever convicted him of the crimes--thanks to his big bad boss, Charles Garnett. His identity was hidden from the streets so he could get a good education and confirm that a gang is what he wanted to be part of.

Only when he graduated, or decided if college was going to be a thing or not, would his identity be exposed. For (Y/N) (L/N), she took a more fun and enjoyable path.

She had the privilege of growing up with a working father--who enjoyed pranks as much as she did--and a humble mother--who encouraged the creative art. Now, her pranks didn't stop short from home.

No, she was known for her pranks at school. She knew which teachers would be okay with certain pranks or jokes, and how far she could go with each student. But today was a different day for a certain jock, who wasn't in the mood for the prankster's tricks.

|| (Y/N)'s P.O.V ||

My back was harshly slammed into a locker nearest from where Peter Samson and I were standing. My arms were thrown on either side of my head as my spinal cord came into contact with the bud of a combination padlock.

"Fuck, Pete!" I groaned out in pain, feeling my nerves erupt with pains, "What is wrong with you?!"

By now our scene had made a circle of people around us, who also gasped at the violence caused by the well-known jock. We've never seen him act so aggressively, especially towards me.

The red-haired football player stood his full six-feet and three-inches, his pale face seemed to darken with anger as he took three long strides to get closer to me. The black penis I drew started on his forehead and went all the way down to his chin, but it was removable!

If he would just give me time to explain how easy it is to remove the cheap ink and explain how I had an extra shirt for the cupcake frosting on his white shirt, where his nipples should be, then none of this would be happening.

His fist slammed against the right side of my head, right above my shaking fingertips. I almost jumped out of my clothes if it wasn't for the fact this was reality.

"Pete! You need to chill, it's just (Y/N) messing around!" Mack, one of Pete and I's mutual jock buddy, grabbed at his shoulder to try and back him up some.

Because Pete had a hundred pound more of meat on his bones, one shove to Mack's chest sent Mack to the ground, where we had just been located at.

Pete's breathing was unsteady and his face--along with the removable penis--was beginning to turn as red as his natural hair color from the built up frustration--and it wasn't sexual.

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