👽 Twenty Øne Pilots : Heathens 👽

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All my friends are heathens.. You're lovin' on the psychopath sitting next to you, you're lovin' on the murderer.. They can smell your intentions.. It looks like you might be one of us

; Cop AU! ;

They say love can come in many forms and in many ways; it can also come at the most unexpected time. Love can appear between the most unexpected couple with polar opposites. 

It can be between a football player and the nerd, the boss and an employee, and even a police officer and a mafia boss. 

|| No One's P.O.V || Six Months Ago ||

Two bodies were pressed up against a brick wall: a rookie police officer had taken down her first bad guy. And who was he? Unknown, but she did remembered seeing his face on her boss's 'WANTED' sign on his desk. 

His face was pressed against the brick wall, but not hard enough to leave a mark. His arms were cuffed behind his back while her hands remained securely against the handcuffs until her backup were to arrive. 

She hoped that with this criminal she could finally impress her boss and show her co-workers she's more useful than for getting coffee and doughnuts. 

"Aren't you going to read me my rights?"

"Right!" (Y/N) sounded a little more excited and too naive for this kind of situation, but 10K found it cute how a kid could find him rather than a professional detective.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law."

She was quite proud of the fact she could remember the rights of an arresting citizen--the words that her academy had drilled into her head. 

"And?" 10K questioned, knowing there was more to it.

He couldn't count how many times he had been arrested, but not by someone so cute. 

"What?" She hummed, not understanding his want for a continuation.

While she figured out what she forgot to say, he got busy on the handcuffs. They were cheap knock-offs of the real deal, which made him second guess if she was an actual police officer. 

"Oh!" It finally came back to her memory, "If you cannot afford an atto--."

Before more could slip pass her sweet lips, the weight from beneath her was forcibly shoved against her body. With swift, controlled movements, her shoulders were slammed against the same brick wall her first arrest had taken place. 

Now her wrists were pinned above her head with the cuffs being latched on while she gawked at the quick speed.

"How?" She asked, arching her neck backwards so she could look up as his large hands wrapped around her tiny wrists.

The pair of silver handcuffs right above his manly hands. 

'Wow! Is he magician?' She questioned his occupation, but remembered that he was no magician.

He was a criminal. 

"You're cute for a cop, sweetness." 10K gave off a slight smirk, relieving one of his hands from her wrists. 

Instead of holding both of her wrists, he only kept a hand on the short chain part of the cuffs. 

"This counts as assault of an officer!" She argued, trying to glare at him but that wasn't the case at all.

If anything, it reminded him of a angry little kitten looking for revenge after the dog of the house took it's seat. 

"You're cute if you think you could actually catch me."

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