🌑 Maroon 5 : Animals 🌑

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Lyrics : Requested
Baby, I'm preying on you tonight, hunt you down eat you alive.. Maybe you think that you can hide, I can smell your scent for miles.. It's like we can't stop, we're enemies, but we get along when I'm inside you..

Teenage AU! ; TW: Fluff ;

What does the word 'obsession' mean? What does this term usually end in? A sense of possession. Obsession is the ugly drug dealer that encourages a high-priced drug, possession. All in all, it's an ugly feeling that leads to heinous actions, which became addictive.

How can one become obsessed, which leads to the feeling of possessive, to another person? Easy; it could be the way they smell flowers on the way to school; such a delicate act made in the cruel world.

It could be the way they squat down, instead of bending over, whenever they drop their books; an act that shows conservation. Or, it could be the simple way of how they act towards you; it feeds a monster in the chest that wants more attention.

|| No One's P.O.V ||

It started out simple, for Tommy. At first, it was because she walked by him. The smell of the sweet perfume she always spread from her chest down to her thighs, every morning once she stepped out of her car.

Maybe she always had to be outside when she spread the liquid, because of how rich and overcoming it could be. It was the small wiggles from her nose when she couldn't understand something in math class.

All of her little actions is what lit the fire in his new found obsession: her. Then, the fire began to progress into a mass of woods.

Now, one would think that once the person that is so unbelievably attracted to another would have the opportunity of speaking to them, they would be completely smitten with it. Wrong. All they did was argue, and it was over small, stupid topics.

It didn't help that they had the same friend group either. Still, her scent, her fashion taste and her intelligence always intrigued him to the core. He wanted more of her smell, he wanted to see what else she could combine in her closet of a proximity 30 outfits--and counting.

He always made sure they sat next to each other--despite the petty comments the both would make. He always made sure every guy that looked at her would assume something was going on between the two, even though she looked at him with such fire.

He was growing more and more obsessed with her, but he never once crossed a boundary. Until she did. Her first move was kissing him at a bonfire party that one of their rich friends' had held.

It started off as a simple 'a-way-to-shut-you-up-kiss', because innocent by-standers were near them. As soon as he tasted that (Favorite fruit) chap-stick on her lips, that was it for him. He had to have more.

He needed to have more, or he was going to die with so much regret in his chest. In a blink, the two had left from the party. They were out in the secluded woods with her legs wrapped around his hips after he had slammed her against a tree.

His right hand was wrapped around her neck in a tight grasp, his left helping her hold her body weight in the air. That wasn't the last time the two had an encounter like that.

As teenagers, playing child games are what makes them the happiest; it can bring so much nostalgia, it just seems right. Hide-N-Seek with a group of ten and nothing more but phones' as flashlights, in 100 acres of woods?

Seems extremely stupid; idiotic even, right? Not for adrenaline-pumping teenagers that wouldn't mind a taste of death on their lips. Tommy was a singular seeker and (Y/N) was one of the hiders.

Without the memorization of her scent, and knowing her mind like the back of his hand, he probably would've never found her so quickly. But he did. And when he did, he had tackled her down to the forest ground like the great quarterback he is.

The leaves beneath her smaller frame crunched at the added pressure and dirt became disturbed by the rub of bodies.

"Maybe you think that you can hide, but I can smell your scent for miles."

His nose burnt into her skin as it trailed from the base of her neck to the small lobe of her ear. Instead of it stinging her skin, it instead sent shivers down her spine as she felt herself become aroused from the actions.

His body was on top of hers, creating friction that she had felt before. Even after all this time, the feeling of his flesh on rubbing on her body made her want to die of being so flustered.

"Try again, sweetheart."

With one simple stroke of his hips against hers and a sloppy kiss on her lips, he got back on top of his feet to find someone else. He had plans for her whenever he became a hider.

On another occasion, Tommy felt like the two were starting to drift away from the other, as if she was leaving him. What better way to remind someone that everything can be gone in an instant? Jealousy.

Once again, one of their friends' were hosting a party, indoors this time. Tommy planned to make (Y/N) jealous by flirting with one of the school's sluts.

All he had to do was back the girl against the closest wall, put his left hand against the wall beside her head and lean down. He made sure that his right hand wasn't blocking the nice view of (Y/N)'s face whenever she decided to enter the kitchen.

The girl grabbed the slits of his jacket, holding him still as she began to talk dirty him. Little did she know, he wasn't growing with need for her small kitten licks she was giving to his ear. No, the excitement was growing from anticipation.

More arousal began to grow when he saw the familiar hoodie that belonged to (Y/N). Well, it was his hoodie, originally, but he had let her borrow it one night and it was never returned to the rightful owner.

But, everything in his plan came crashing down when he only saw how depressed and upset she looked at the two flirting. As soon as her back was turned to him, he ripped the slut's hands off of his clothing and ran after her.

The two ran up the staircase, maneuvering around people to get to the second level. She ran down the hallway, getting further and further away from the DJ's music.

"Get away from me!" She shouted, knowing he had heard her perfectly clear since the music wasn't as bad up there.

"Baby, I'm preying on you tonight."

He could've said exactly what he meant, but he knew that she loved to be preyed on; it was one of her many kinks that he loved about her. Before she could turn the corner, he grabbed her shoulders from behind.

He twisted her around and slammed her against the nearest wall, placing a hand behind her head so the force wouldn't give her a headache later. Once he knew she was safely settled, he placed both of his hands on the wall beside her head.

When he had leaned down to kiss her, she smacked him across his pale face with all of her might. At first, shock was initiated and pain spread through his face before pure arousal coursed in his veins.

"Go away, Tommy!"

"I'll just keep hunting you down so I can eat yo--."

Not wanting to hear the rest of the sentence, she grabbed the collar of his shirt and crashed her lips onto his.

"It-It's like I can't stop, we're enemies." She whispered, letting go of the fabric so she could back off and express what she was thinking.

She couldn't understand the need to be right under Tommy all the time, the person who she has never gotten along with. They view the world in different ways. They stay arguing, but they love so hard.

He grabbed the back of her thigh and hiked one leg leveled to his hip, "But we get along so well when I'm inside you."

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