💔 RVSHVD : Die of a Broken Heart 💔

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Lyrics :
Hey, mama, how do I get a red wine stain out of her favorite dress?.. Mama, can I come and maybe stay a few days to clear my head?.. Hey, can you ask dad if he's got the stuff to fix the front door?

; Reality ;

Living in a small town means that there will be various topics of town; ranging from the townspeople and the events going on. News can travel faster than lightning from the dark sky during a storm. 

Word gets around fast, especially if it's bad. Everyone will know your business quicker than you will find out what's going on. When two people create a secret, they'd expect the secret to stay between the two but that doesn't happen in a small town like Nation.

|| No One's P.O.V ||

It wasn't his fault that he had anger issues; he's had them since he was a child. It wasn't her fault that her feelings were sensitive; that can happen when there isn't a father figure there to help raise a little girl. 

It wasn't their fault that they both fell in love with their polar opposite. She was the delicate flower of the relationship, and he was the violent weather that could easily destroy such a delicacy. 

They thought they could do it, they really wanted it to work out. They wanted this relationship so bad that once they turned eighteen, they got their own little cabin out in the woods together.

It wasn't much, but it was their's. Their little love nest was not too far from their original homes but it wasn't too close either. It was the perfect distance from town with the perfect view. Life seemed perfect until it no longer became a paradise. 

He'd come home late smelling like cheap perfume that she didn't own. She stopped wanting to cuddle him every night once he came home. He started to bring home more alcohol into the house. 

She started to keep her nose in books. Both neglected the other to the point where fights were becoming more and more frequent under their roof. Tonight was no different.

|| (Y/N)'s P.O.V ||

A red wine stain burned into my white dress like fire on top of water; the crimson color had bled on top of the snow white fabric. I didn't expect him to knock against the table, which had led to my glass of red wine pouring into my lap. 

I wouldn't have been so upset with the ruined artwork if it wasn't for the fact I had gotten this dress for him. I stood up so abruptly from my chair that the real wooden seat had fell over behind me. 

I held out the fabric from my heating skin as if he couldn't see the damage he had caused to me. 

"Are you serious right now?!" I shouted, feeling my heart break into two. 

I knew he hated it when I raised my voice at him, but I just couldn't help it. I cleaned the whole house. I waxed the floors. I made our bed up. I cooked for this man, and this is the reward I get in return?

"Yes, I'm fuckin' serious!" Tommy Lee shouted at his end of the table, standing up as well. 

I could see the fury deep within his ocean blue eyes. I could see the anger rushing to his skin in a violent red blush against those pale white cheeks. 

"I did all of this for you!" I shouted at him, not knowing if he realized what I had done just for him. 

"And? Did you screw around with the preacher for my benefit too?" He gritted his teeth to show his vicious temper was just now getting heated. 

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