𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖔𝖓𝖊

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❛❛ what im doing is my job ❜❜

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⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ❀ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

"me?" jiyeol manages to stutter out, not even restraining against the hold of the general.

seonghwa barely had his eyes open, side eying her and the towel in her hand.

"yes, you" his voice was hoarse "what are you doing here?"

"i wanted to pay you a visit... but i knew you didnt want me to come see you" she answered honestly, there was no point in lying "and after you fainted-"

"fainted? i fainted?"

she nods "san and jongho helped you get back into your room. anyway, i wanted to help by cooling you down"

seonghwa finally lets her wrist go, the girl instantly retracting it to her side.

"leave" the general tries to heave himself up, his arms shaking in the process.

jiyeol presses her lips together, placing the towel back on the basin before gently pushing him down "dont force yourself"

the general eyes her, slightly tensing up at the contact "what are you doing?"

she sighs, staring directly at the raven haired. their faces were only a couple of inches apart and their bodies were almost pressed against eachother.

jiyeol felt her heart thump for the umpteenth time whilst the general felt himself swallowing, weird and foreign tingles were surging across his stomach and his heart stopped for a second.

he coughs, bringing his head down. i must be much more sick than i thought.

the girl leaves his side, turning to the table opposite his bed and pours the general a glass of water. she returns to him and hands over the glass.

seonghwa seems hesitant, eying the object and her. jiyeol rolls her eyes "what im doing is my job. now drink"

he takes it, not even muttering a thank you "and your job is?" he brings the glass near his lips, brow quirked.

"being your wife"

jiyeol didnt know why she said it. maybe it was to shut the general up and make him stop questioning her when all she wanted was to help, or maybe she really did mean it- after all, they are married.

seonghwa almost chokes on his drink, eyes glaring at the girl who simply shrugs "i didnt want a wife in the first place"

"well... you have one now, so let her take care of her husband" the sentence sounded rather sarcastic, eyes squinting as if challenging the general to answer back.

"i can take care of myself" he crosses his arms, scooting up until his back laid comfortably by his bed's headboard.

"im well aware of that, but with your condition... i dont think it'll ruin your pride if you let me- us help you" she opens her palm as a sign for him to give her the empty glass.

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