𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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❛❛ dont move ❜❜

 ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ❀ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅

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. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ❀ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

her small hands tugged on the hem of her mother's dress, grabbing the attention of the older.

"what is it honey?" her mother lays down the heavy box, dusting her hands as she turns to her daughter.

jiyeol looks down, fiddling with her fingers "can i get my hair dyed?"

her mother looks at her, sitting down on one of the dinning room chairs. she points to the chair in front of her, directing for her daughter to sit.

"why?" her voice was filled with worry.

"i dont like my hair... people call me out for it" jiyeol brings her head down, the silvery-white strands curtaining her face. she didnt want to see the expression etched on her mother's face.

"but your hair's beautiful... its something that came along with that amazing ability of yours— its a blessing, honey" her mother reaches out a hand, tucking her daughter's hair behind her ear.

jiyeol had closed her eyes shut, unwanted memories resurfacing as her eyes stung.

a blessing? you call this a blessing?

tears had now escape her eyes, rolling slowly down her cheek. her mother looks at her sadly, her heart aching to see how her daughter was acting.

she knew that jiyeol was never accepted by those around— shunned by the village they lived at, but she never thought of leaving her daughter.

jiyeol might be different from other people, but a mother would always love their daughter.

she knew how hard it must have been for the girl to live in a life where no one knew or understood how she was possible, why she was given such an ability.

"a blessing? people tell me im cursed, mom... and i believe them" she clenches her hair "this— this never made hiding nor my life easier"

her mother swallows before plastering a tight smile on her face "alright... i'll go to town and look for some dye" she caresses the younger girl's cheek "now stop crying"

jiyeol carefully holds the small jar of brown dye, the paste was extracted from coffee beans, giving her a natural shade of hazel.

her eyes meet with her reflection, spotting the silvery roots that had already peeked out to say hello. she blinks rapidly, calming herself as she stands up from her bed.

ever since she was ten, jiyeol had been dying her hair with the same shade again and again and again— as if wishing that like the miracle bestowed upon her, her hair might turn back to it's original color.

her hair was just a constant reminder of her past— all the names and foul words thrown at her.

a reminder that she was different.

the way people treat those who are peculiar are of course different then how they did before; people now could get their hair dyed in different shades of colors and such.

but what she had was natural, something unexplainable even by the wises people and the elders. they looked at her like she was some sort of mutant— a freak.

she had lived her life hating how she looked since it was the biggest give away, the thing that made her standout  from the crowd.

jiyeol was too deep into her thoughts that she had failed to hear the numerous knocking on her door. the blonde came inside, eyes scanning around for her figure.

"jiyeol!" he exclaims with a smile.

the girl turns to him with wide eyes, heart pounding as she accidentally drops the jar. the contents spilled all over the floor, mixing in with the broken pieces of glass.

she mindlessly takes a step forward, the blonde looking at her with horror "san—"

jiyeol winces, a shard sticking to the bottom of her feet. stupid.

"dont move" the blonde quickly made his way towards her, clearing a path as he helps her take a sit on her bed.

jongho and yeosang peeks through her door, panting as if they ran from the kitchen to her room "what happened?" the youngest slowly enters, eyes landing on the broken glass on the floor.

yeosang spots it too as he takes a u-turn "i'll go grab the broom" he starts heading out.

"get the first aid kit as well!" san shouts, the brunette nodded as he finally sprints away.

jongho approaches them, crouching to the floor to inspect the mess. he carefully picks up and bundles the bigger pieces with his hands, finally noticing the brown substance "hair dye?" he looks up at her "brown hair dye?"

jiyeol had her head down, mind slowly turning blank in panic with thoughts bombarding every each of her brain. she wasnt expecting that this was how they were going to figure out.

yeosang finally comes back, broom in hand as he passes the first aid kit too san. the blonde gratefully takes it as the brunette starts cleaning.

"i thought your hair was naturally brown" san mumbles as he inspects her foot, he spots the small shard sticking to her heel, wincing at the sight. he grabs the tweezers and carefully pulls it out, blood decorating the clear fragment.

the girl opens her mouth to answer, but soon closes it as san pours some alcohol to her wound, dabbing it with some cloth "ouch" her face contorts.

the two other boys had finished cleaning, putting away the glass pieces as they joined the two, standing behind the head housekeeper.

now i really need to tell them.


jiyeol finally looks up as san stands as well, closing the kit with a snap as he places it beside her on the bed. the blonde crosses his arms, eyes lingering over her with genuine worry— not only him, but the other two as well.

the aura radiating from the trio was brimming with confusion, heads a little tilted.

"we're not mad that you get your head dyed... but we are confused. please do explain why you have to dye you hair to a hazel brown?"

their eyes unconsciously glance up to her roots, spotting the silvery-white. san and yeosang blinks their eyes, thinking that the color they see were just a pigment of their imagination, yet as they continue to stare at it, it seemed like the color turns a little more vivid.

the youngest taps his lips in thought "i noticed it before, the day you got married... i just didnt think it was relevant enough to question you about it" they all turn to him as he shrugs.

"seonghwa also told me about it, but... i dont understand" the blonde turns to her.

she heaves a heavy sigh, feeling her chest getting tighter like the atmosphere that was slowly glooming above them.

they could all feel that this was something the girl had kept a secret for a reason.

and the manor occupants could only hope that she would finally open up.

a small tight and rather sad smile tugs at her lips, eyes seeming to glisten as she looks at them three.

"where do i start?"

ok. so one, i feel like everything is going fast (even if its not lol) and two, i feel like everything im writing doesnt make sense :((

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