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as ana-lisa walked into the café, three boys were walking out. one held the door for her to walk in but she couldn't see any of their faces very well, as they were wearing sunglasses and hats. she nodded to the man and took off her sunglasses when she walked inside.

she looked at a lot of the choices on the menu and decided on a breakfast burrito wrap and an iced green matcha latte.

"hello, welcome to our café, how may i help you?"

"i'll have a breakfast burrito wrap and a green matcha latte"

"of course." he gave ana-lisa a smile as he typed in a few things and gave her a total.

"that will be $11.54, card or cash?"

"cash." she handed the man a ten dollar bill and two ones, then told him to keep the change.

"thank you, your order number is 372"

she nodded and walked away from him, leaving him to the woman behind her, with her hair curled, wearing a pantsuit. it was obvious she was off to work or something, probably getting a coffee or breakfast to start off the day.

ana-lisa looked at the woman once more before noticing exactly who she was.. "saruka?" ana-lisa looked at the woman with confused eyes.

"ana-lisa? omg it's been forever. let me order real quick and we can catch up" the brown-haired girl smiled.

(a/n keep in mind, they're actually speaking korean).

"ana-lisa." the girl sat right across from ana-lisa at a window seat, "it's been forever, i could barely recognize you, you're so beautiful now. not that you weren't before just-"

ana-lisa laughed at her small panic. "i know what you're saying, sah."

"it's been a while since you've called me that." saruka smiled for the millionth time.

when ana-lisa was fourteen she had to stay with her dad for one year while her mom got her life together. that's when she met saruka, her korean best friend. saruka is two years older than her, but that didn't stop them from talking all the time at high school either. they were best friends.

"any love life action over in england?"

that made ana-lisa giggle a little bit but she shook her head. "how about you.. what about that guy you were dating last time?"

"I was 16, it was a fling ana." she giggled then shook her head, "but no. no love life. i guess i'm sort of talking to a girl at my work, but i'm trying to adopt."

"oh my god, that's super exciting. you must be successful."

"i guess that's one way to say it, i'm very proud of myself for making it so long by myself after my parents left to go back to japan."

"oh.. they left again?"

"yes unfortunately. but it's okay. they call every night to make sure i'm okay. they know i'm successful."

"a successful queen." she smiled at her, making her giggle.

"so about this adoption thing, who are you trying to adopt?" she asked with a lot of curiosity crossing her mind. ana-lisa knew sakura was bisexual, so she always planned on adopting anyway. it didn't matter if her spouse ended up being a woman or a man.

"a six-year old names choi hana. she has the same surname as you." ana-lisa smiled at her.

"i'm so proud of you saruka."

"it's good to see you again ana-lisa. i have to head to work though so can i get your number?" she handed ana-lisa her phone and you type in both your international number and korean number.

"bye saruka." she went to grab her breakfast and latte, then parted ways down the street from saruka.

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