one; peter pan

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      Thomas was always fascinated in a good backstory.

      Audrey used to tell the best ones.

      Audrey and Thomas were both 12, Newt had just celebrated his fourteenth birthday, three of the main test Subjects found themselves around a white table.

      They weren't controlled. They weren't told to be there. They just found themselves sitting peacefully around a white table. Simple as that.

      Audrey was pacing, her hands moving as she spoke. Thomas loved the way she explained things. She continued to pace around the spotless room, then she stood up on one of the chairs, waving her arms about.

      Her eyes lighting up as she mentioned a massive plot twist, the way her face lifted as she instantly thought of an idea to tell them. Newt and Audrey were completely different. Newt was gentle and calm, whereas Audrey had a fire in her that could not be compared to anyone.

      She told stories to them in a way that could make anyone fall in love with her. Being the youngest, she felt always overlooked, yet Newt and Thomas made sure that she was always happy.

      Audrey explained in depth about a character she made up in her head. One that merely came from a small idea she read in a Peter Pan book.

      Thomas and Newt watched and listened in awe. Audrey was always good at telling back stories of her made up fantasies. Yet little did she know that she had a marvellous backstory herself. 

      Although it wasn't written yet.

      Thomas stood up and leant against the table, admiring her incredible story. Newt found himself smiling sheepishly, something he'd always do when he was around her. Audrey flicked her long hair off her shoulder but lost her balance. Her weight shifted and she began to fall back. Her smiling facial expression was quickly wiped and replaced with one of fear. Thomas reacted quickly and caught her just before she landed flat on the floor. Newt began to chuckle. Thomas helped her to her feet and began to laugh along with her. Audrey hugged him as a way of saying 'thank you'.

      "I can always continue," Audrey laughed, followed by the two boys dramatically waving her off.

      "Not today Laundry," Newt chuckled. Thomas found it profoundly odd that he called his sister 'Laundry'. Well, it did rhyme.

      "Call me that again and I'll make sure that Captain Hook kills you in my story," Audrey fake-pouted and then giggled. She pretended to pull back and bow and shoot it at Newt.
"Or perhaps Peter Pan might kill you instead."

      "Newt, I suggest you stop, Captain Hook sounds pretty bad," Thomas made a smile appear on his face. Newt only laughed again.

      "Peter Pan sounds pretty bad too, he kidnaps children," Newt continued to chuckle.

      "I've always been fascinated in Peter Pan, I could always imagine him being good and shooting an arrow out of a bow," Audrey steadied herself on the chair once more. Some sentences of hers made her English accent peek through. Thomas found it adorable that only some of the words she said made her sound like Newt. Or when some of the words she said like; fascinate, Peter, or pardon made her British appear.

      "You're scared of using a bow Laundry," Thomas admitted, smiling at himself for calling her that.

      "But I've always wanted to be like Peter Pan."

      The trio were interrupted by a loud bang. Their giggles and whispers had completely stopped, Audrey stood off her chair and sat down in an orderly fashion.

      "Oh no," Thomas thought. He knew exactly what was happening. He just didn't think it would be right now. Today.

      The doors in front of them were ripped open.

      Chancellor Paige, herself strutted in without a single care in the world. Two men in black had followed her, holding a Launcher each.

      Newt reached forward and grabbed the small girls hand. Thomas huddled next to her. The girl began to frown. She always believed she could get herself out of situations that were horrible. She taught herself not to worry so deeply all the time.

      That's what kept her sane.

      "Ah, perfect timing. We have both of them together," Ava Paige smiled. It wasn't a happy or peaceful smile. It was quite evil. The kind of smile that tells everyone that 'I make a lot of money for doing this,' you know, the evil kind of smile.

      "What do you mean?" Newt trembled, his hand became clammy against Audrey's. Thomas looked over to him, he'd never seen his blonde, British friend so scared before.

      "It's time for you to say goodbye to your sister, she's leaving," Chancellor retorted.

      "Into the Maze?!" Thomas exclaimed a little too loudly. The boys were only just grasping the information that the staff had told them all. The Chancellor just laughed.

      "No, we're not sending anyone up for another 4 weeks, she's leaving to stay in a different site. Don't worry Mr. Newton. She'll be fine, there are others," she snarled, straightening up her perfectly white trench coat.

      "But I don't want to leave," Audrey shivered, tears welling in her eyes. Her blonde hair fell in front of her face, only to be pushed back by Thomas, in the most comforting way possible.

      "Ah, you see Miss. Hepburn, this is the trials. You all have been selected and you all must do exactly what I say. I'm giving you precisely 45 seconds to say your goodbyes."

      Audrey turned to Newt, tears were no doubt plummeting down her face at this point. She was engulfed a huge hug.

      "I promise, we will be together soon. I will find a way. I love you," Newt muttered through her hair, his head resting on hers. His little sister was all he had. Thomas felt a pang of guilt swim through his blood stream. She pulled away from her sobbing brother and turned to her best friend.

"Thomas," was all that came out of her shaking mouth. Thomas grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into his chest. Tears wet his shirt. Thomas felt as is he had just been hit by a train, his best friend was leaving.

      She finally pulled away, and nuzzled back into her older brothers chest.

      "Your time is up, Miss, Hepburn. You'll be seeing your brother and Thomas in a few weeks. Please come with me, I'll show you to your new home." Chancellor Paige reached forward and tugged on the small girls sleeves. Audrey nodded.

      The men that stood beside the woman shoved the small girl out of the door. Her sniffles were still heard as they yanked her away from the doorframe.

      "Is there a reason behind this? She's only a child!" Newt screamed at the woman. His voice shook.

      "Yes Mr. Newton, there is a reason for everything. Let's just say that Love makes you weak and you're holding her down. Now please excuse yourselves and get back into the common room with your fellow colleagues." She explained, Thomas swore that Ava Paige had absolutely no feelings at all.

      Compared to Newt she was like a rock. A brick wall. A literal concrete wall to be exact. Newt on the other hand was crying uncontrollably. He had just lost his everything. Thomas wrapped his arms around the boy and pulled him out of the room.

      "I know where they are taking her, she'll be safe," Thomas sighed. Newt nodded in between each sob.

      That's when Thomas knew. Thomas knew that the end was coming, Audrey was to save them all but all pain must come at certain times. The bulk of it was displayed that day. The day Audrey was taken.

Not edited as you could probably tell. Hope you enjoyed this tiny chapter. There's more coming soon. Comment, Vote and Share!
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