twelve; the girl

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She woke with a gasp. She felt her whole body moving upwards and shaking against uncomfortable metal in complete darkness. She knew where she was and where she was going. In fact, the only thing she couldn't remember was her last moments with Janson in the box. Audrey groaned and went to reach for her face with her good arm but was restricted. She could feel her bow and arrow next to her, which in a way comforted her.

"What the hell?" She asked herself aloud. She shook her hand continuously until she realised it was handcuffed to the wall. Audrey groaned in annoyance once more before sitting up as much as she could before she felt something cold on her lap. She furrowed her eyebrows and tried to focus her eyes in the dark so she could see what the mysterious object was. Audrey still couldn't make out what the thing was, that is until the lights around the box shaft flashed red for a brief second, lighting up the small metal box so she could see for a few seconds.

The object that was placed in her lap was attached to something, she didn't dare to touch it, but she could see that it was big; probably bigger than her. As another flash of red light burst through the box, she gasped in fear as she finally saw the mysterious something that had been held in her lap for the past 3 minutes.

It was a hand. A cold, blue hand. And it was attached to a body. A dead body.

Audrey screamed in discomfort and fright. Her first instinct was to push it away with her feet, she kicked and shoved until the body was as far away from her as possible. Tears streamed down her face as she, once again, began rapidly shaking her hand as if it was going to break her out of the cuffs. It was no use.

As much as she wanted to scream out for help, she knew that no one would hear her, let alone help her. Wet tears plummeted down her pale cheeks as she sobbed into her knees. Her white sling that supported her left arm was drenched with her tears and muffled cries. She could still feel the coldness of the mans dead, lifeless body near her which made her cry even harder than before. Had she killed this poor boy? Where did he come from? Who the hell was he?

"Get me out of here," she trembled. Audrey knew all too well that the only people that were going to get her out of that small box of hell, were the people waiting in the Glade. She squirmed in her handcuffs for what seemed like hours until the light around her turned an electric green and an alarm broke the silence with a loud ring. The alarm that had errupted through her entire body felt different. She had worked in the box before. She had sent boys up there cluelessly and noticed that their alarm was different to the one that had just almost burst Audrey's eardrums. Her sobs had stopped and her head perked up in curiousity as the sound had come to a complete stop. The roof above her began to split open and reveal the bright sun.

Audrey was blinded by a white light. She tried to shield her eyes from the sun as best she could with one arm shackled to a wall and the other in a sling. Tears still managed to fall from her eyes, and her legs still shook from fear. Once her eyes adjusted, she could see dozens of teenage boys standing around the opening of the box. Once she removed her face from her arm, the boys broke off into a chatter. The body next to her was still awfully close, so without second thought, Audrey began to scramble backwards as far as she could away from it.

"Hah look at that shank"

"Is it crying?"

"Woah, that's a very feminine guy"

"No Winston, you're a very feminine guy"

"Is that a girl?"

"Dude, I call dibs"

"It looks like a child"

"Dude, I still call dibs"

"You're disgusting Scott"

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