xix - the raven

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the raven
flies inside its cage
like a sadistic salesman
selling its wisdom
to a world that has forgotten knowledge

the raven croaks an ugly song
an awful tune
one that lingers in your mind
not because you adore it
but because it is too powerful to suppress

the raven sings-
he doesn't love you
he doesn't love you
he doesn't love you

I want to throw that raven and its damned
cage away
stupid bird
I want to say
stupid bird with its stupid song

although I am the stupid one
it is i
who stands in front of the mirror
brushing a strand of my hair
and telling myself
he loves me
over and over
for each strand of my hair that I brush
he loves me
he loves he loves me he loves me

why shouldn't he love me
why should he ration all the love I give him
when he could be sharing it with me

but the raven
it knows the truth
it knows that the boy's greed is disguised in his lust for love
the raven knows
that when the boy sings the songs of love in front of me
he sings them to himself
because he only loves himself
he only reserves his affection for himself
by god, he sold his love to himself

because to him
he is the only valid recipient of his love
everyone else is just a nominee

the raven knows the truth
so do i
but unlike the raven
I refuse to get out of my cage
unlike the raven
I refuse to acknowledge my wings
unlike the raven
I refuse to stop being a stupid girl with a stupid song

and so I sing to myself-
he loves me
he loves me
he loves me

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