xxxix - fly free. fly far from me.

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seeing you is such a sweet sorrow 
an antidote that stings 
my heart sings when our eyes meet 
skips a beat to remind me I exist 
couldn't you be a flower that I preserve between my books?
why must you fly away so quickly?
I had built a home for you with my poems 
stacked rhymes over rhymes 
decorated it with metaphors and oxymorons 
but you are a bird that refuses to rest
I had made a bed of feathers 
ignorant that they were plucked from your skin 
relished your praises and songs
a caged bird always sings

seeing you is a cautious contentment 
I admire you, see you, love you 
and it is with arms burdened with love 
that I push you away 
because if I love you I will cage you.
my love for you is stronger than my need 
maybe that is why when I see you I don't look away 
if my arms cannot hold all of you
let my mind save a part of your memory 

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