Ready to Go?

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(Link's POV)

Today is the day we leave for our honeymoon. We fly out to Italy for one week, then from Italy we fly to France. The honeymoon is shorter than we wanted, but when you have a child, you learn to compromise.

We were up so late last night that we didn't wake up until noon. We would have slept later, but our plane takes off a five. I slowly open my eyes and the events of last night come back to me. I relive them all in my mind. When I completely open my eyes I realize that Amelia is still safely in my arms and I feel her turn and face me.

Amelia- "Good morning, hubby."

Link- "Good morning."

We are both smiling from ear to ear. I can't believe we are married.

Amelia- "What time is it?"

I look over at the clock on her nightstand.

Link- "It's only 12:07. We need to leave here at 3."

Amelia- "We should say bye to Scout before we go."

Link- "I was thinking the same thing. We leave here at 2, that way we have an hour with Scout before we go."

Amelia- "Sounds great!"

We stare into each others eyes and then I lean in and give her a soft kiss on the lips. She returns the softness and after a few minutes, we part.

Link- "We should probably eat something. I worked up a nice appetite last night."

I say and wink at her. She giggle and gets out of bed. She goes over to my dresser and grabs one of my shirts then goes to her dresser to get a pair of underwear and shorts.

Link- "I have a question?"

Amelia- "What is it?"

Link- "Why do you always wear my shirts? I bet yours feel lonely."

I laugh while saying that. When she wakes up in the morning she grabs one of my shirts. Before bed she grabs one of my shirts.

Amelia- "Because they smell like you. You smell like baby powder and it is my most favorite thing ever."

Link- "Baby powder? That's weird. You know, you smell good too."

I say while approaching her slowly.

Link- "You smell like vanilla and coconut."

As I got to her I took her in my arms and buried my face in her hair.

Amelia- "That's my shampoo and conditioner. I use vanilla shampoo and coconut conditioner. I like the way those smells blend."

Link- "I do too."

We finish getting ready and head down to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

Link- "We have no food. Unless you want some pretzel chips for breakfast."

Amelia- "Ew, no. Why don't we just go out to eat. We can go somewhere really low-key. What about Denny's?"

Link- "Ooh, yummy. I could go for some PB and Chocolate pancakes."

She laughs and goes upstairs to put some leggings on. We head out to Denny's smiling and laughing the whole ride over. I can't wait until the honeymoon. There won't be any distractions.

We get out of the car and hold hands all the way into the restaurant.

Hostess- "Hi! Welcome to Denny's. Just the two?"

Link- "Yep. Thank you."

She leads us over to a booth in the back of the restaurant, and Amelia and I sit opposite of each other.

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