The Plant Room

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(Amelia's POV)

I walk into the plant room, and I saw Link pacing around. He never paces. This isn't a good sign.

Amelia- "Hey."

He looks at me then turns back around.

Link- "Hey."

The way he said that was so aggressive. I could tell that he was still upset.

Amelia- "I am so sorry. You didn't have to do that. He's your dad. He should be there."

Link- "Of course I had to do it!"

He was yelling.

Link- "You just got into a good groove with your mother! Plus, this whole thing wasn't even her fault! This is all my fault. I should never had invited him to lunch!"

He was still pacing now his face was turning red.

Amelia- "Link, babe, are you okay? You are turning red. I have nev-"

Link- "I'M FINE!"

I jumped a little when he screamed. I have never seen him like this. His father must have really gotten to him.

Link- "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell I just can't believe all this."

He sunk down onto a chair and started breathing really hard. I went over to sit on his lap and he put his head on my chest. I rested my head on top of his and stroked his hair.

Amelia- "Hey hey hey. It's okay. Just breathe. I've got you. Just breathe with me okay?"

Link- "This is all my fault. This is all my fault. I can't even keep my family together. I am failing."

Amelia- "No you aren't. No matter what you've still got me. You've got me and Scout. We can be our own family. We don't need anyone else. Plus, you've still got your mother and now I am pretty sure my mother has completely fallen in love with you."

I can feel him chuckle. I kiss the top of his head and lay my head back on top of his. His breath has evened out and he is starting to calm down. Soon enough, I feel his breath go back to normal.

Link- "I love you."

Amelia- "I love you too."

We sit like this for about half an hour, then we decide to go home. I went to talk to Bailey and she was perfectly fine with us heading home early. Nelson would cover for me and Nico would cover for Link. We got Scout and went home. We ordered some pizza and watched movies. Then we spent some time talking about our honeymoon.

Amelia- "I want to go to Paris."

I said while cuddling into Link on the couch. It was about 10:00 pm, and we had put Scout to bed.

Link- "I want to go to Italy."

Amelia- "How about we go to Italy the first week and finish off the honeymoon with a week in Paris."

Link- "If it weren't for me going to terribly miss Scout, then I would suggest we spend two weeks in both, but I don't think I could take being away from him that long."

Amelia- "Two weeks in both would really be amazing. However, we kind of did this whole life thing out of order so we can settle for one week in both. And we start to miss Scout, then I can find a way to take our minds off of it."

He laughs and I can feel the vibrations when he laughs and it makes me feel safe.

Link and Scout is my home, my family, and my loves. I don't need anything else.

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