♤chapter one♤

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■Nicoli's POV■

"Sup Nico!" I felt an arm wrap around my neck, pulling me in for a side hug. I didn't even have to turn around to see who it was.

"Cage! How ya been?" I dabbed him up and focused back on my phone. Cage has been my friend since diapers, his real name is Drew Jr. But, he hates his Dad, so having his name is a no go. Cool dude tho.

"Soooo, how's Tracy been? You two doing the dirt yet?" Cage rubbed his shoulder against mine. "That crazy bitch? Dumped her just yesterday," I sighed and leaned on the wall of some broken down brick hotel.

"What?! Dude, she was friggin' sexy!" Cage leaned next to me while I lit a cig. "Yeah well, bitch was screwin' sum other guy," I took a big puff of smoke and exhaled, looking up at the sky.

"Damn, well if you want me ta' hook ya up with anyone, I got chu'. Any cute girls or buff dudes you want! We got bitches galore!" In addition to being my best friend, Cage's family also runs a few clubs down the west strip. That's where I met Tracy.

"Nah man, I think I'ma stay away from dating for the time being," I watched as the smoke from my cigarette floated up in the air and disbanded until it all disappeared from the naked eye.

"That's valid... Oh! You wanna go to the convenience store? Tommy's working today so you can get a new pack of cigs," I shrugged. "Yeah, okay. I was runnin' low anyways," I straightened my back and we started walking. It was only down the street so we'd be fast. Hopefully fast enough not to catch the attention of the druggies looking for cash in the back alleyways, or the fuzz patrolling the streets.


We reached the small convenience store. The sudden bright lights blinded me as I walked in, making me blink a few times -Considering how dark it was outside.

"Yo, Tommy, Tom, Tomothen, The Tom-Mister! How ya been man?" Cage went up to the counter and put his arm around Tommy's shoulders. I went to the back of the store and grabbed some strawberry milk and lollipops. I figured that'd be enough. I walked up to the cashier counter and pointed to the pack I wanted.

"Hey Nico! How've you been?" Tommy eagerly asks me. I give him a small smile. "Hey Tommy. I'm good, thanks for asking. Are ya doin' good?"

Tommy gives me a sly grin. "Well I've been good but, now that I've seen you, I'm doing great!" I laugh a little and thank him. He grabs the pack of cigs on the shelf behind him.

"You know what? Cigarettes are on the house, just for you." Tommy gives me a wink and toss's them to me. I catch them. "You sure? Won't you, like, get in trouble?" He laughs. "I'm already at enough risk sellin' cigs to minors," I shrugged. He was right, this was totally illegal. I mean, I am a junior high school. But, it's not like I care about the law. Neither do the people I hang out with.

"Well, thanks anyways." I wave him goodbye and start to walk away with Cage. "Anything for you, Ni-co-li~!" He sang my name out in a sing song voice as we walked out. As soon as we got far enough from the store...

"He wants to fuck," Cage said.

"Oh he so wants to fuck," I replied.

"Soooo, will you?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. I shove my hands in my pockets. "Hell nah, if shit goes wrong then how else am I supposed to get my cigs?" Cage laughs. "That's kinda cruel, you know, to lead him on..."

"Hey, I have an addiction to feed into!" I defended. "True."


As we were walking, we saw a playground. There was of course no kids on it because, not only was it 12:30, but this place is Yakuza turf. We sat down on some swings. I had a lolipop in my mouth and Cage had a Coke.

"Yo, I'm getting kinda dizzy..." Just as Cage said that, I felt as though I was about to faint. Cage stood up. "Now that you mention it, same bro," I replied, standing up as well, grabbing Cage's shoulder for leverage.

Theeeen, I fainted....

YAKUZA'S INSTANT RAMEN《naruto yaoi fanfic》Where stories live. Discover now