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First of all thank you for comments and voted. I'm really happy. Thank you so much lovely readers. ♡ you guys so sweet imma wanna cry hshshs. Thanks for appreciate my work love ya ~

It's saturday the day jinyoung want to take yugyeom out and confess to him. This time he plan want to be serious and talked a lot but yugyeom turned to be sick, he got fever. Jinyoung is freaking and he immediately bring yugyeom to clinic. The temperature is high and will be good on couple of days.

Yugyeom laying on the bed sleeping after had eaten and medicine. It's hard for jinyoung to give medicine to yugyeom. The younger hate those pills, he say it was scaring. Yugyeom refuse, closed his mouth with hand. Jinyoung have no choice it for good though. End up yugyeom crying while eat those pills.

Well jinyoung can't do anything now since yugyeom had fever. Maybe later or he himself not sure when he got to confess. Ask yugyeom if he want to be his boyfriend. Jinyoung look at yugyeom for last and caressed yugyeom's hair, he grabbed laptop, start to do some paperwork.

After an hour, yugyeom body is shivering, jinyoung begin more worried. No he need to calm down so that he can take care of the younger. Jinyoung always beside yugyeom, looking and take good care of yugyeom. Wet towel on yugyeom forehead, keep the temperature cool down.

Yugyeom mumbled in sleep, even when he sick yugyeom still look cute. Jinyoung sighed seeing yugyeom in bad condition, poor boy must through this fever.

At evening the members came to look for yugyeom. Youngjae cry see the younger. Jaebeom will say yugyeom is okay. Jinyoung smiled seeing all the member here. Mark can't stay longer because he had schedule to attend. Mark bring mango and apple and give to jinyoung.

Jinyoung make dinner, they enjoy the dishes. Yugyeom is still sleeping. They all spend some more time talking before headed home. Jinyoung bid goodbye to his friends and say thank you for coming.

Jinyoung cleaning the mess first, check time on clock, times to give yugyeom porridge and medicine. The way yugyeom eating went smooth and jinyoung still struggle to give yugyeom take the pills. Even jinyoung had persuade him but still yugyeom didn't want to eat that.

"No" yugyeom say weakly and move far from jinyoung. Jinyoung had best soft on his face, his eyes begging for yugyeom to eat those pills. Yugyeom shake his head still mean no. The tears begin to fall down from cheeks.

"Honey please.....don't you want to get better? I promise this is last one hm."

Yugyeom doesn't move, still in position hugging knees.

"Gyeom come here" jinyoung patted the empty space. Yugyeom moving forward still aware with jinyoung. Not even look at the medicine on jinyoung hand. It look so scary like a horror movie. Yugyeom hate it.

Jinyoung had no choice, he force yugyeom to eat the pills and yugyeom is crying ofcourse. Yugyeom head feel hurt because hard crying. Jinyoung rushing took all things away and went to room, lay down with yugyeom hug him.

Jinyoung hummed some songs to make yugyeom calm down. The rain start pouring after a minutes it got heavier. Jinyoung pull the blanket to cover they both body. Yugyeom is already asleep. Jinyoung looked down at yugyeom, smiling. Today was hard though. Kissed yugyeom head, jinyoung fell asleep.

Yugyeom is overload cute jsjsjsjs.

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