Chapter 6: Favors

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~Bethany POV~

I went to go ask Janel for a favor before I went to look for Mark, Sadie and Derek.

"Hey Janel you did great." I said hugging her. "Hey, thanks you did too."she replied hugging me back.

"Can I ask you a favor?" I asked.
"Sure, what is it?"she asked. "Well, you know how Mark and I kissed in the dance?" I explained. "Yeah that was cute!"she replied. "Well, when you have time, can you ask Derek, if he got jealous?"I asked. "Of course I can girl! Can you do the same for Val to, please!"she said. "Sure, no problem." "Well I need to go, there probably looking for me, see you later." "Alright bye."

I was walking to find Mark when I saw him talking to Derek. "Markkkk! Derekkkkk!" I yelled running over to them. "Bethanyyyy!"they both yelled in unison.

We all huddled up in a group hug. "You did great, Derek!"I said. "Thanks you did too.

I looked away and saw Val on his phone. I knew this was my chance to talk to him. "Hey, I'll talked to you guys later." I said. Derek scrunched his eyebrows like if he was confused. "Oh ok." he said.

~Derek POV~

I was confused because she just came over here now she's gonna leave? I leaned against the rail still staring at her. Damn, she got the booty. (Lmfao😂)

I saw her walk over straight to Val.
What! Dang. She is so gorgeous that she gets all the guys?

Just then Mark calls me over.

"Were you just staring at Bethany?" He said wiggling his eyebrows. "What? I was not." I said acting cool.

"Oh come one you were, staring at her ass." He said smirking. "Not even."I said laughing. "Sureeee." He said not believing me walking away. I just laughed to my self.

Just then Janel came up to me.

Updated! Hope y'all enjoyed. Going to try to update tonight, if not I will tomorrow. 😌

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