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Augustine's words had bothered me since they left his lips. That's what they think.

There was no use in speculating what he meant. Half of what I surmised about that man turned out to be incorrect. My time was better spent focusing on that which was in my control. 

I sat in one of the parlors having a cup of tea while I did research on summer arts programs in the city—a part of my scheme to get the kids to be in the same place as their father as often as possible. The more I thought about the loft, the harder it was not to remember the time I spent there. So much untapped potential, and such a willing and eager participant. 

I squeezed my knees together to quell my longing. If only he were an eager participant in other ways, I told myself. That thought killed my mood easily.

After my last sip of tea, I stood to leave the room and nearly ran into two of the housekeepers. Two young women I didn't know and probably never would. "Sorry," I apologized. They both stepped backward, apologizing while they removed themselves from my path as if I were royalty. 

As I watched them walk away, giggling to themselves, it made me long for a friend. Someone with who I could share tea time. 

Matthew burst through the front doors, tearing me from my thoughts, and my loneliness. He ran through the foyer and up the stairs, a grin on his face. 

When he made it to the top, he pumped both of his fists in the air. "I'm done!" he said with glee.

I smiled. "You're done with testing. There's still another week of school."

He sneered. "But I don't have to go to that. They won't be teaching anything new."

"Sure, but you still have a final and the last part of your assignments."

His sneer gained the company of an eye roll. "You're such a buzzkill. I'm going to play video games."

I laughed at his naivety while following him into the lounge. "You have an hour, then you're finishing your paper."

"Yeah, yeah, sure."

My phone began the song signaling Crystal's facetime attempt. I stared at it for a moment before rejecting it. I texted her back immediately. Sorry! I'm with Matthew right now.

Yes, I was near him, but it was only a matter of time before she realized I was avoiding her.

My phone pinged again. Why are you avoiding me?

Ten seconds was a matter of time.

I sighed when I knew it was time to tell her. "I'll be right back, okay? I need to call my friend."

"You have friends?" he quipped with a mischievous smile. He was such a little Augustine.

Much like I did with his father, I didn't dignify him with a response.

I walked through the playroom and stepped outside onto the balcony. The sun was glaring and hotter than expected. I slipped under the awning, plugged in an earbud, and called her back.

"Hey, I'm sorry," I said when her face appeared.

"You're sorry? I haven't talked to you in, like, two weeks. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine! I'm sorry, I just . . ." I looked around me and back through the windows at Matthew who had made himself very comfortable on the couch with the company of his video game. With no one in earshot, I still whispered, "I had sex with the widower."

Her mouth dropped open. "Oh my god, you did?"

"Yeah. A few times now."

"A few—a few times?" she stammered with astonishment. "How long has this been going on?"

The Widower (18+) | [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now