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A/N: This should go without saying, but for anyone who has made it this far with a closed mind, please remember sexual orientation is defined by your physical or romantic attraction to a specific sex or gender identity, not the way you prefer to be sexually stimulated.

Touch yourselves, it's healthy! Also, wash your hands. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


I climbed onto the bed and kicked his knee up with mine. The strap rubbed so deliciously against my sex as I sat atop him and teased him by laying the toy against the seam of his ass.

"I didn't agree to this," he said like a true brat.

"When do you ever agree with me?" I teased him while pulling on my latex gloves. "You want this, you just don't want to admit it. Now, shut up or I'll gag you, too."

Once my gloves were on, I poured the oil into my palm. I rubbed the oil over his skin until the muscles of his back glistened under the warm glow of the dimmed lighting. I ran my hands down to his backside and gripped it. His twitch of hesitation pleased me.

He looked back again, eyeing the strap. "It's too big, love. I don't—" I silenced him with a hard slap on the ass, leaving my hand stinging.

"Is there a word you want to say?" He didn't respond. "Then Daddy just wants to be gagged, I see. So be it."

I took the leash and pulled it up between his teeth. He growled, making me smile. I wanted to fuck his ass as hard as I could manage, but that would just be selfish.

With more of the oil on my hands, I massaged his shoulders. I leaned forward and whispered into his ear, "If you trust me, I promise you," I moaned quietly while switching to his other ear, "I'll make you come harder than you've ever imagined." He looked at me with heavy eyes, a growl rumbling quietly in his chest.

I ran my hand between his cheeks, watching him twitch. I stroked my hand back and forth until he relaxed, then I slid in a finger.

He gasped reflexively, but my hand was more than enough lubricated to avoid any uncomfortable friction. His muscles clenched around my finger as I slid it deeper, but when I found the magic spot, he relaxed with a sigh.

He dropped his head onto the mattress as I massaged my fingertip against his prostate. His sighs turned to heavy breathing, his heavy breathing to a single, reticent moan.

I removed my finger slowly, stroking the toy with my other hand to cover it in the lubricant. As I placed my ankles on his thighs, I squared my hips with his. The devilish smile pulled at my cheeks. With the help of my hips and a hand, I began to push the toy inside him.

He tried to fight me at every inch, but what fun would he have if he didn't? I watched his hands as they stayed balled into fists. No signal because he didn't want me to stop. "Relax, Daddy," I teased him while I spread his cheeks wider. "Let it happen."

His fists stayed gripped but his breathing slowed. His muscles relaxed under my hand and the toy slipped in further.

As I began to move my hips, I dribbled more of the lubricant, giving it another coat as I eased it in and out. I pressed my hands against his back for stability and circled my hips in even tempo. His grip tightened against the sheets, his face reddened. He bared his teeth against the gag, but he never gave the signal to slow down. He stared, watching, glaring until he could fight it no longer.

I watched him give himself to me.

The pleasure of his submission made a moan slip between my lips. Then, one escaped his as well.

I reached beneath him and stroked his cock for a short moment, pulling it off to the side beneath his hip to watch my progress. His head fell to the sheets once more and moan after moan growled past the gag. I grew wet, the toy sliding in a circle against my clit as I continued pumping my hips. When his moans grew louder, I could barely take it.

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