Chapter 3

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Marinette POV

"Okay I know we already bought everything and they are at my house so why exactly was I takken from school."I asked actually frustrated with them. I coupd have explained everything to them.But no I had to give a rushed explanation.

"Well you have allot of appointments to attend.The first being the salon for your hair and nails.You also have training with Plagg and Marin.So you were excused from school."I groan in annoyance.Being a princess is allot of work Sometimes I get so frustrated because of all the princesses duties to attend.

Luckily the coranation is near and that's the day I find my soulmate.That's one part I never told my class.So they would be surprised when a prince from another country gets powers.Maby I should tell them mm maby not."What ya thinking about Mari?"Marin asked.

"Just thinking if I should tell my class about you know that one of the other princes will get powers allong with me.As well as tell them that person is my soulmate."

Marin just gave me a simpatick look."I know it's hard not telling them everything but you know that only out family knows that.Even if you feel it's best we can't reveal  that family secret.So keep it a secret rather than scare them away."I really hate it that he is right.

Most people find our powers freaky or weird.Others see it as an awesome blessing and a powerful ability.To bad we learn about our powers only once we got them.Like my mother has super speed,my father has flight,my brother has Levatation and my grandfather has eternal life.

Other people refer to him as master Fu but he will remain my funny grandpa. I know I won't have any of those  powers.The only stuf I know about my powers are red represents it, it's rear and it's powerful.So jeah that's it.

"Marinette before we forget here it's from you're parents."Tikki handed me a jewelry box. I opened it and saw a beautiful pink necklace.It had a pink chain.It formed a pink rose eith a pink diamond in the middle​.Under it was a big pink diamond aswel as a row of little white​ diamonds.(Sorry I'm not a great explainer when it comes to jewelry.The picture is at the top⬆️)

"This is beautiful I wonder where they got it."I said admiring the beautiful piece of jewelry."Well our mother gave it to Bridgette at her corenation.She was the one to receive it because she was the eldest daughter.She is passing it down to you.This is a family airloom(Think I spelt it wrong🙈)She said that you should wear it and not take it of ever.Those are real diamonds."I looked at her in shock.

I can't believe my parents are untrusting me with a family airloom. I put it on and smiled."I won't take this of."It glowed red as I said I promised.This must be magical.

🍃🍃🍃A royal timeskip🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃 Brought to you by the power of creation🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃

I finally finished everything.The training was self-defence.Like I need it I can protect myself just ask Nino.

No one POV

Nino was dared to scare every girl in class.The boy's were playing truth or dare.Nino had scared every girl in class except for Marinette.She was  putting her book's in her locker.

Nino saw this as his perfect opportunity.He sneacked up behind her."Give me you're..."before he can even finish his sentence he was on the ground.

Marinette grabed his arm and threw him over her head.Nino luckily didn't get hurt Well his pride did because all the boy's in the class saw it."Please remind me to never look for trouble with Marinette."Kim said as they all nodded dumbfounded.

🌸🌸🌸🌸EnD FlAsBaCk 🌸🌸🌸

Marinette POV.

Since that day all the boy's gives me a head up instead of sneaking up on me.I should really get to bed. It's late and I have allot of work tomorrow. I just hope that I can show them the big 5 before my coronation.

Maby I can show them Gigi.I'm sure my parents won't mind.I had her since she was little.So I'm sure they will allow it.I went to sleep and dreamed about everything I wanted to show my class.

Marinette Princess Of South Africa 🇿🇦🇿🇦Where stories live. Discover now