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The year is 1944 and the Germans are struggling to hold the allies back. In a desperate attempt, Adolf Hitler ordered to built a manless Tank...a.k.a AI tank, the generals protested that it's not possible with the current technology, but Hitler insisted and they eventually build one. The Panzer IV AI1 as they call it undergo many testing such as identifying which is enemy and which is friends, Reload the gun and so on. What they don't realize is, day by by training, the tank began to feel...

It call itself...
Pz.Kpfw IV Tank Destroyer

Or...if he's alone...

Welp, that's the prologue...i know this is a one shot stories, but it will eventually developed into a...full story?
Maybe i will divide this book into 2, one for the life, and one for one shots
Anyways, see you on the battlefield!

Yes, i know Heinkel is the manufacturer of some aircrafts such as the He-100 D1 but let's pretend that Heinkel changed their name to something else

Pz.IV AI1 (Heinkel)

This image is from the game War Thunder

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This image is from the game War Thunder

Ju-87 AI1/Thunder Bird

Ju-87 AI1/Thunder Bird

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[Insert random WW2 German Soldier here]

More will be added soon

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