Happy Star Wars Day!/Chapter 5

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(Yep! It's Star Wars Day guys! But... I just want to say thank you for 1.3K reads! It is honestly a dream come true and I can't wait to write more for y'all! I just have one problem... this book doesn't have a plot. If y'all could give this book a good plot then I'd be extremely happy. On with the book!)

"Who the fuck are you?!" 

"We could be asking you the same thing!" Cali shouted in return. 

"Okay, let's not fight here. How about we just talk. You know, violence is never the answer." Canada said, somehow intimidated by the group of teenagers standing before him. 

"Yeah, let's just invite them for a cup of tea and sing kumbaya!" Ireland said sarcastically, turning his attention to Canada before back to the states. 

Cali let out a little laugh before getting elbowed by Texas. 

"Well? Who are ye?" Ireland asked, yet again and wanting an answer. 

"I'm Delaware United, and this is Texas United and California United. We are three of the Fifty Nifty United States!" Delaware said, patting Texas' head and pointing to Cali when mentioning them. 

Ireland was just extremely confused and Canada was still trying to make sense of the words that just came out of that child's mouth. 

"Okay, you said United? As in United Kingdom?" Canada asked. 

"Yes, but we don't like that guy much." Delaware said, a hint of disgust in his tone. 

"Well, at least we have something in common." Ireland said. "The lads a git and should be known as one." 

"That's not important right now, but who are you?" Texas asked, getting impatient. 

"Well, I'm Canada and this is Ireland."

"Anyway, you said fifty nifty United States. Why are you talking about Ame?" 

"Ame? Oh, you mean America? He's our dad!" Cali said. 

Texas face-palmed and Delaware sighed. "Know when to bloody shut up!" Dela said, pissed California just gave away the biggest family secret. 

"Heh, sorry..."

"Ireland? Can I talk to you for a second?" Canada said grabbing the smaller nation by the arm and dragging him back in the room. 

"Ow, ow, ow..." Ireland said, trying to pull away from Canada.

"What? Oh, sorry..." Canada said, letting go. "Was it that bad?" 

"Yeah, it was pretty bad..." he said, rubbing his bandaged arm with his other hand. 

(Many hurricanes that strike Florida, Bahamas, Texas, Cuba, basically anywhere end up going to Ireland, but nobody seems to ever notice. Random fact.)

"But do you know what this means?" 

"Ame has kids?"

"Yeah! So..."

"Oh my god! Canada are we?"

"We're uncles! And so are Zealand and Aus!"

"But why didn't America tell us sooner?"

"I don't know? But lets go back!" Canada said, grabbing Ireland's wrist again. 

"Nada! Wrist!" Ireland yelped in pain. 

"Sorry, sorry!" he said, quickly letting go. "I forgot."

"Course you did." Ireland said, rolling his eyes playfully and shoving Canada with the uninjured arm. "Let's go!"

Canada and Ireland both walked out of the room, extremely happy. 

"Well, yer back." Tex said, noticing the two enter the hallway again. 

"Yeah, so guys. How come America never told us about you guys?" Canada asked. 

"Well, we are supposed to be a secret." Cali answered. "All of us."

"Which leads to my second question. How many is there of you?" 

Texas sighed. "Well, secrets out so... there's fifty of us."

"Holy shit, that's a lot..." Ireland mumbled. 

"Do you cuss all the time?" Cali asked. 

"Yeah, it's a bad habit." Ireland said. "How come Ame never told you about us?"

"And why would he tell us about you? You're not special from anything I can tell." Delaware said, not noticing how rude that sounded. 

"Well... We are Ireland and Canada United."

Dun, dun, dunn! Well, happy May 4 guys and May the fourth be with you!


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