Chapter 6

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"Well... We are Ireland and Canada United."

Ireland's POV-

I'm not gonna lie, it was hilarious how fast their eyes widened. Shot open like someone said WWIII had started and we were on the top of the enemy hit list. 

If it wasn't a serious situation I would have been rolling on the floor with laughter, but since it was I had to stifle my laughter. 

"Sooo... this is an extremely awkward family reunion at work..." Canada said. 

"Y'all are tellin' me that I'm related to you? I find that hard to believe." The one named Texas said.

"I believe it. Canada sort of has the same colors as dad." Said the one with a bear. 

"You believe everything, gullible." Texas shot back. "But the short one, Ireland I think it was, he doesn't look anything like dad!"

"Hah, funny story... I'm adopted so I probably don't look like anyone in the family that seems to have just multiplied." I said. 

They all made an 'oh' face. 

"I need proof!" The one about my height said. He was on the shoulders of the one with a very southern accent. Jeez, they looked like a flipping totem pole.

"Here!" Canada said, getting what I think was his phone out of his pocket and showing them the lock screen. 

I know what his lock screen is. It's a picture of all of us on the last bros day. Aussie and Kiwi were tackling each other in the background while Canada was trying to stop it. Ame was the one taking a selfie and I was sitting on the edge of a cliff, beer in hand and legs dangling off, glaring up at him. 

He always somehow captures funny moments and I don't get how. Just randomly take out the phone, put the camera in selfie mode and make a peace sign when *snap*... No... Not for me.

"Who are those two?" California asked, probably mentioning Australia and New Zealand. 

"That would most likely be Australia and New Zealand. The twins." I said, standing by Nada. 

"And I take it they are also related?" The one who I think was referred to as Delaware said. 

"Yep, also our brothers and your uncles." Canada answered. "Now, let's get you guys home... America is probably worried." 

"Ya got that right." Texas said. 

Just then there was a crash from the door and we all turned around to look at it. You'll never guess who was standing right in the middle of a broken door looking scared and pissed with their glasses slightly falling off their head.



Hey y'all! Sorry it's a short chapter. Next one will be a lot longer, promise. But anyway... Y'all didn't give me plot suggestions :( 

So why not do that now! 

Leave some suggestions and I may use yours along with some others to make a unique story unlike the other one about Ame secretly having 50 kids! :)

Love y'all,


(487 words)

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