dark and light.

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Who will win the dark or the ligh?

The evil or the good?

My demons or my angels?

The villain or the hero?

This war of the opposites has been going on for ages now and it has been questioned and talked about by many writers and philosophers.

And every single one of them had a different opinion.

If it was up to me I will say the darkness always conquers the light.

No matter what happens it always ends up like that.

I believe that no light or even goodness will ever be able to defeat the darkness or evil.

Yes it is a cliché to always have a happy ending where the good beats the evil and everyone lives happily ever after  but I don't believe in happy endings. Or even in fairytails.

I believe that the demons in a person's heart will always win over the angels.

You see evil is selfish and greedy  so he will take anything from you even if it harms you in any way. He is willing to take cruel measures just to have what he desires. He does not feel guilt or remorse. He acts upon his thoughts without dealing or even thinking about the consequences on others. He always gets what he wants.

He gets blinded by his own ego and so he keeps on making mistake after mistake , sin after sin. He thinks too

hight of himself and that keeps hitting him harder everytime he falls. Though he gets up again and  he keeps trying until he ends up killing others around him or even himself.

I think that the darkness's inability to feel guilt is his most powerful asset but his ego always gets in the way and crumbles him to dirt.

But on the other side good is selfless and generous , and light is innocent. she puts other's priorities before her own. She will sacrifice her own happiness and her own sanity for the sake of others. She is willing to put her life at stake if she gets the chance to save others. She will take whatever beating and suffering for others. She doesn't care what happens to her.

She is so naive that they take advantage of her without noticing it. She is blind to evil and only sees pure goodness in our violent world.

She is the definition of perfect. She obeys the rules and does nothing out of line. The light is scared of confronting something unfamiliar such as the darkness.

And that is her greatest weakness used against her: Her own innocence and her fear of something new.

That breaks her everytime.

Thus , the risks she is willing to take upon herself for others ,that is unbeatable.

Both light and dark have weaknesses which only make this battle an everlasting one.

Their own flaws always gets in the way of the other and their strengths only intensifies the impact of the battle on the world , on us.

So maybe this war will never end , after all it has been going on for billion of years since it all started with the  existence of God and the devil.

And till now no one has won.

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