
14 2 8

I grasped my ring tightly while smiling. This is it! I don't know but I feel so gloomy lately. Maybe, a wedding bells? I chuckled with the thought when a huge arms flunged onto my tiny waist.

"Sino 'yan?" he asked and nudged his nose on my neck.


"Who are you thinking and why do you keep on smiling?"

I chuckled again and I pinched his nose. This man.

"I am thinking someone who's handsome..."

Kumunot agad ang noo niya and I can see his ears and nose producing smoke.

Okay,Madi. Exaggerated.

I laugh hard after seeing his face, like wtf dude?!

"Stop kidding Madison, I swear I'm gonna kill that fucking guy in your mind. No one's gonna invade your system but only me—"

I stopped him using my lips and there. Better.

He pulled me closer to him and he savagely kissed me hungrily. Hmmm. His soft thin lips makes me wanna shout for more.

Before anything will happen, he immediately pulled himself away.

"This is not good."

"Why baby?"

"I want to claim you when we are married, so Madi, stop seducing me. Sasakit lang ang puson ko dahil sayo."

I burst out laughing and I swear, ang pula na ng fiancee ko. I giggled while seeing his face.

He never failed to amused me.

He left me inside my cubicle and I am sure he already went to his office. Pikon.

I sighed while smiling and I can't help but to admire his consistency and perseverance.

Two years ago, I was sicked and I undergone so many therapies. After the encounter with Raven Evangelista, my father found me inside their mansion and I can still remember the fuss I made years ago.


That was his name, I remembered it. But I merely forgot the others because of the therapy I experienced. Since then, my doctor helped me move on and I swear there is no such days that I didn't think of him.

After months of healing, I am given a chance to go back in the company where I am working and from there, I fell in love with my boss—the company owner.

We are happily in love with each other and our wedding would be two months from now. I can say that our relationship goes stronger and we already faced different struggles since from the start.

Michael Shone Saavedra, my fiancee.

He is a 'lil bit seloso. Oh. Cut the 'lil. He is so possessive and did I already mention seloso? You read it right. He even got jealous when we talked about my imaginary friend—Raven Evangelista.

Three PM when I decided to buy a coffee.I bought two cups and walked my way back to the office. My full attention is on my phone and I didn't see someone coming, and boy! Just wtf?! The coffee was spilled over on the floor and even my phone was dropped.


A hoarse voice uttered and I don't know but a familiar feeling drown thru my system.

I looked at the man who bumped me and my jaw literally dropped upon seeing his face.

Am I sick again?

Is this my hallucinations?

I blinked once, twice and thrice but the man didn't fade away.

Raven Evangelista is in front.

I turned my back from him when he grabbed my wrist and that made me stop.

"Excuse me?" I said while raising my brow acting like a spoiled brat.

"You look familiar.."

"Come again?"

Kumunot ang noo niya at may pinilit na ina-alala.

This is impossible!! Familiar?! For Pete sake he's just a product of my imagination! He doesn't fucking exist!

"Ah! The woman almost three years ago!"


"You're that woman who trespassed inside my property. You didn't remember? You are sitting on my couch that night and I threw you outside..."

"...and ah!! I remembered you kept on mentioning someone's name."

Kahit naguguluhan, pilit kung ina-alala ang gabing iyon.

Right. That man who entered the door and that is when I thought that it's his another persona. So, that explains everything.


I looked at the man who called me and it's my fiancee.

"Bro, what are you doing here?"

"Ah right! I came here to introduce to you our new target business in Palawan."

"Oh. I heard about that. Let's talk inside my office." He turned my gaze at me "Babe? Are you okay?"

"I uh—I'm fine."

He hold my waist as he led the way.

"Ah. By the way, I want you to meet my fiancee, Madison de Vera, Madi babe, this is Luke Nathaniel Evangelista my business partner and my colleague."

The who?! Evangelista?

"Yeah. Evangelista.Problem?"

I looked at him terrified, how did he know what I am thinking?

"Well, babe, you just voiced out your thought... Again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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