Oh man, I recently went back through the old Blog Nonsense, and wow. I was two things then. First, I was a ridiculous rambler. I'm surprised you people kept up with all that. The second? This one requires me to get into personal nonsense.
I treated my girlfriend of the time like crap. That went kaboom about two, almost three months ago. It's true, you never really realize what you have until it's gone. If you're reading this Mudkip, I'm sorry, really. Never realized it was that bad...
Oh well, it doesn't really matter. She doesn't trust me anymore. I don't blame her honestly. Though I wish she still did. I'd give anything.
Okay I'm starting to sound depressing. New topic. Um, well there's not really anything new, I don't spend much time really doing anything... I barely even play games anymore. I usually just sit here doing nothing except hoping and holding my hands in a formation that adds to less than three.
I guess that's it for now. There you go, people from last set. A real, personal entry. Hope you're happy, cause I haven't been in ages.