Chapter 4 - The Resurrection Of A Nightmare

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"AGHHHHHHH!!!!!" He shouts in pain once more, but this time it feels like he's on the verge of death, or rather, death would be better than this. The pain subsides after a while, leaving him tired and drained.

"Do you want to try that again?" She says.

"I'll... I'll submit." He says. *For now.* He thinks.


Irillium slides open the door to her house and quietly walks inside. *It seems like no one's home yet...* She thinks. She walks up the stairs to her room and closes the door. "You can come out now." She says exasperatedly.

A small golden dragon creeps out of her bag and onto the floor. "You needn't ask me, I was planning on coming out anyways. Your bag's so stuffy it's not even funny." It says. Irillium gives the creature an annoyed look before sitting herself down on the edge of her bed.

"Let's get one thing straight, while you're here, you will not reveal your usual form to anyone. You will stay in this form and act as a familiar. Understand?" She says firmly. The creature makes a reluctant face before replying.

"Of course master." It says. "Though I think an introduction is overdue. My name is Yosen, Celestial Dragon of War and chaos, aswell as other things. If I may be so bold as to ask, what might be my new masters name?" He asks with a hint of sarcasm. Irillium looks to the side in thought.

*Celestial dragon... That would explain a lot but... It's still difficult to accept.* She thinks. "My name is none of your concern. I can't say it's a pleasure to be acquainted with you." She says.

*Neither can I but if I were to say that you'd most likely use the taming spell against me again.* Yosen thinks. "Well, seems as there's not much we can actually do about our situation now, we might aswell adapt. Let's try to get along, shall we?" He says with a fox like grin.

"Get along my ass. You tried to make me your slave you son of a bitch." She says. *I'm going to find a way to get rid of you as soon as possible.* She thinks.

"Oh hush dear. That's all in the past now. Besides, the only person permitted to call my mother a bitch is me, not some mortal." He says. "Now can you please allow me to take my usual form. It's uncomfortable being this small." He says.

Irillium sighs. "Fine." She says. A light aura surrounds Yosen, and he transforms into his humanoid form.

"Much better." He says.

"Now that we've gotten the 'pleasantries' out of the way, you're going to do some answering." Irillium says.

"What would you like to know?" Yosen says with a smirk, leaning against Irillium's desk. Irillium lightly runs her hand over the bandages on her palm.

"Why did the spell mutate?" She says after some thought.

"Well my dear, as much as I loathe the idea, your blood appears to be stronger than mine. Therefore the blood binding spell failed to recognise me as the master and, as you call it, mutated." He says.

"I'm guessing this was one of the better outcomes?" She says.

"Quite so. You and I are actually quite fortunate to be here still. Usually when a blood binding spell malfunctions, both parties either explode or go completely insane." He says.

"Good to know..." Irillium says. She stands up from her bed and walks towards Yosen calmly. Suddenly her demeanor changes when she grabs him by the collar and pulls him down to eye level. "Just remember what we spoke about. If you even so much as dare to lay a hand on anyone, I will not hesitate to end you." She says with a murderous aura.

Yosen's face goes blank, and he looks at Irillium with a dead-pan expression. His serpentine eyes fall into a half-moon shape. "I have given you my word and I intend to keep it, whether you choose to believe me or not. Though I must say, threats aren't one of your charming points my dear." He says, lifting his hand to gently grasp a lock of Irillium's greyish-blue hair.

Irillium flinches and a frown quickly appears on her face. "Don't touch my hair!" She says, slapping Yosen's hand away. She backs away from him quickly.

"Ah!" Yosen shouts when a small surge of pain goes through his hand. Irillium walks towards her cupboard and gathers a comfortable outfit.

"I'm going to go take a bath. Dont leave this room and don't even think about opening this door." She says while pointing to her bathroom door. She goes into her bathroom and closes the door.

"Tch. I have no desire to." Yosen says softly to himself.


Irillium shuts the bathroom door behind her and begins undressing herself. Her clothes are dirty and there's an odd bruise here and there. Irillium gives her body an overlook. *Great, there's bruising. How am I going to explain this to father?* She thinks to herself.

She opens the tap to run herself a bath and swirls her hand under the warm running water. *I still can't believe it.* She thinks.


"Undo the pact now." Irillium says, glaring down at Yosen who is writhing in pain. "Speak!" She says angrily, kicking Yosen in the stomach. Yosen gasps at his wind being lost. Irillium gives him a moment to get his breath back.

"Y-you can't undo it." He says through his coughing. "It can only be undone by killing me, and killing me could risk your life aswell." He says. Irillium gives him a cold stare, her turquoise eyes fixed ominously onto him.

**...back to present...**

Irillium climbs into her bath and rests her head back. Her eyes are heavy and she finds it hard to keep them open. She soon falls asleep without even realising it.


The sound of bubbles echoes through the dark space, playing at Irillium's ear. There's nothing, and she finds herself consumed by an unbearable emptiness.

End of chapter 4.

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