Chapter 12 - Shopping

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"That tree really went all out on you... It's ok, the first time is always the worst one, after this it's smooth sailing, other than the occassional fish with wings or talking fruit." She says while patting Yosen on the shoulder.

"Anyways let's get going." She says. Irillium turns around and heads towards a nearby town just outside the forest.

*Fish... With wings?* Yosen thinks as he follows carefully after her.


Lucith walks into the lounge where Maya and Galvin are sitting. "Has anyone seen that halfwit?" He says.

Maya scowls at Lucith. "She's not a halfwit Lucith. She's our sister. Why are you looking for her in the first place?" She says in a reprimanding tone.

*Splendid. She's even turned Maya against me...* He thinks. "Father insisted that I apologise to her. I don't particularly feel like I should but you know father when he gets upset." He says nonchalantly.

"What do you mean by that Lucith?! You saw the state you put her in!" Maya begins.

"Since when were you on that... That thing's side Maya?!" He asks angrily.

"Maybe I'd still be on your side if you weren't acting like such an asshole!" Just as Maya finishes her statement, Lucith goes tumbling backwards at the impact of Galvin's fist on his face.

Everyone goes silent. Lucith puts his hand to the soar point on his cheek and looks up at Galvin who is looking over him with a strong magical aura.

"What right do you have to get upset about this Galvin?! You're always being a dick to Irillium!" Lucith proclaims in shock.

"At least I can aknowledge that I'm an asshole to her instead of going around thinking I'm completely justified by the fact that I have mommy issues and I need somewhere to direct them! Grow up Lucith!" Galvin says angrily as his magic aura intensifies.

"Don't you dare bring up my mother Galvin! If you so badly want to defend that trash blood then let's see who is stronger between the two of us!" Lucith shouts to Galvin.

"Let's go then!" Galvin gets ready to attack but Maya steps in between the two.

"That's enough! Both of you!" She screams. Her whole body is shaking in fear and tears are streaming down her face. "Can't we just act like a normal family?!" She says.

*Shit we made her cry.* Galvin thinks as he clams himself down. Lucith glares at him as if saying that it's his fault. Lucith gets up and puts his hand on Maya's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

"I'm sorry Maya, we didn't mean to scare you." He says sincerely. Maya shakes off Lucith's hold and looks at him with disgust before running out of the room.

"Look at what you've done now!" Lucith says as he turns to Galvin.

"What I've done? Why can you never just take responsibility for your own shit! It's always someone else's fault! You know what? fuck you." Galvin says before he leaves to go after Maya.


"So this is the town you were talking about? It's rather small." Yosen says. He follows behind Irillium in a semi busy street.

"That's because it's far away from the capital. We just walked out of the Yellow Woods which spans the length of an entire small country across this land and seperates this town from the capital. We're in Arlin by the way." Irillium says as she stops in front of a boutique.

"Is this where I can acquire clothing?" Yosen asks. Irillium opens the door and goes in. Yosen follows behind her.

"Hello Ms. Armini. What can I do for you to... day..." Says a young woman that works there. "Oh my. This is the first time I've seen you in the company of a gentleman, and a rather dashing one at that! You make a lovely couple." She goes on to say.

Irillium makes an apalled face while Yosen lifts a brow. "You seem to be mistaken Ms. Gillin, Toren and I are merely acquaintances. He asked me to show him to a place where he can buy a new outfit and I thought I'd promote your business since you've always served me well." Irillium says.

*So it's Torren now?* Yosen thinks. He sighs. *She really hates the idea of being romantically involved with me. I mean, I'm not that bad. And it's me that should be more disgusted anyways.*

"Oh dear, you're always so sweet. How can I help then?" Ms. Gillin says. *This man looks a bit ruffled but I'm sure with the right accessories and a good wash he'll look even better.* She thinks.

*Gross... Me? Dating that psycho? Nope. Just no. Sure he's good looking but it's never gonna happen.* Irillium thinks. "Why don't you suggest something to him while I go and get some goods across the road?" She says.

"Oh of course. There's so much we can try! Come along now sir." Ms. Gilli said as she pulled Yosen along by his arm.

Yosen looked back at Irillium. *Are you really leaving me here alone???* He thinks. He gives Irillium a pleading look.

*Yes. Yes I am.* She thinks as if understanding what he's saying. She walks out of the boutique and head's to the bakery across the road.

End of chapter 12

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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