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    Caliver was the first to oppose my plan, "This is downright mad!" He steered his horse in front of mine, blocking my path. He tore off his helmet, his face red and soaked with sweat. He had a wild look swirling in his eye, "I am not delivering myself into the hands of the enemy."

     I stared at him, anger and irritation bubbling in my throat. I wanted to yell at him, but it felt as if the smoke had stolen my ability to speak. I looked at Kolt, helpless. He rode over to Caliver, ripping off his helmet as well. His face was speckled with black ashes from the fire caked onto his sweaty face. His blond hair sticking to his forehead.

   "Caliver you are of royal blood are you not?" Kolt prodded.

    Caliver nodded, "Yes."

    "Then act like it." Kolt spit. It was as if Caliver had been smacked in the face. His cheeks turned bright red and he sat stunned.

   "Are you going to continue?" Kolt asked, "Or sit like a stick in the mud?"

    Caliver only grunted in response, pulling his helmet back over his head. Kolt did the same, then looked to me expecting leadership.

   "I'm... I don't know what to do next." I admitted quietly.

   "That's okay." Kolt exhorted, "We're a team, we'll figure it out together."

     I wasn't sure if he was talking about him and I or all three of us being a team. Kolt clicked with his tongue then began leading us. He instructed for us to get off of our horses, then he tied their reins to a tree. I viewed our surroundings, trees were in front and behind us. The big trees hid us from the soldiers.

   "I have a plan." Kolt whispered, removing his helmet, "Stay hidden until I give an order."

     I removed mine too, relieved to be freed from the sauna like contraption that seemed to capture all heat, "Be safe."

    He used his gloved hand to wipe the sweat and ash from my forehead, then gently kissed it. He pulled away, running towards the bridge. I watched, hidden behind a bush. My hand was resting on my sword, ready to pull it out when I had to attack.

  Caliver knelt next to me, "You know... he really loves you."

    I whipped to face him, "What are you talking about?" He narrowed his eyes at me, "It's not like you can't tell." I shifted, "That's a little true."

    Kolt had been calling upon me more recently, requesting my presence. He got angry when someone dared to question why he wanted the presence of a maid instead of a princess or a woman of stature. I had been trying so hard to fight my feelings for him and at that moment I realized that I didn't have to hold them back anymore. I was royalty; Princess Fione of Jestan.

    I turned back, watching as Kolt spoke to the soldiers guarding the bridge. Caliver wasn't watching, though, he was eyeing me curiously, "I know my cousin more than you think I do. He's never treated a girl like this. I just hate that you're..." His voice trailed off.

   "That I am what, Caliver?" I snapped, "A maid? Worth nothing? Is that what you think?"

    He ducked his head shyly, "To everyone else you are. To me... you are more than that. You're my friend, and I hope someday you and Kolt can find a way around the Stature Law."

    I smiled at him, "And you are my friend, Cal." Caliver smiled at me, turning to watch Kolt. He grew quiet after a moment and frowned, "You don't think we're going to die, do you?"

    I placed a hand on his arm, "I know we won't. Remember who you put your faith in." His eyes lit up then he looked up at the sky, beaming as he closed his eyes.

    My heart pounded when I heard a commotion coming from the direction of the bridge. The soldiers had their swords pointed at Kolt, ready to attack. Kolt's sword was in the water. One of the soldiers must've thrown it in. Without a word, I slid my helmet back over my head and pounced with my sword in my hand.

    "An accomplice, your majesty?" A soldier sneered. I looked to Kolt for directions but he was terrified. The soldier's sword was on his throat, ready to slice.

   "One move and he stops breathing." The other soldier threatened. I squared my shoulders but kept my stance, "Do it." Kolt's mouth hung agape in shock. The soldier let out a laugh, "You want us to do it?"

  "Of course!" I exclaimed, "Then the king will have you punished for murdering his son."

   "We have strict orders to-"

   "To what?" I jeered, "To keep the prince away?"

    The solider gave me a swift nod.

   "If you murder Prince Kolt..." I rubbed my neck, "You'd be hung by sun down."

    The soldiers stared at each other, letting their guard down long enough for Kolt and I to attack.

   "That was close." I breathed as I stared at the unconscious soldiers.

   "Yes, too close." Kolt managed to say quietly, "I owe you."

     "The only thing I want is for us to stop this invasion." I railed.

    Kolt grabbed my gloved hand, "Then it shall be done."

   "Caliver! Our horses!" I shouted. He emerged shortly after with our horses' reins in his hands and our horses following behind. I leaped onto my horse, leading it trotting across the bridge after Kolt and Caliver.

   "Stay close." I ordered Caliver, "This is the hardest part of our journey."

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