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I couldn't leave Fione, not unconscious by herself. Yes, she was receiving the medical attention she needed but my legs wouldn't allow me to rush off to find my father.

"Will she be okay?" I asked a nurse attending to her. My father had brought three nurses, as if that'd be enough to treat over one hundred soldiers.

"She will be alright." The woman reassured with a curtsey, "Your majesty." I gave her a nod, then looked down at Fione. Her skin, which was very pale, was beginning to regain it's natural color. I bent down and softly kissed her on the head, watching as the nurses discussed what to do with the king's sword that had penetrated Fione's skin.

   "We must find him, quickly." I told Arthur as I joined him. We walked out of the throne room, through a hallway, then through the exit. I coughed as I inhaled smoke, my eyes burning. I hated what my father had done, I had to somehow make it right.

   "Where would he have retreated to?" I asked Arthur, raising my voice over the roaring fire. Arthur thought a moment. Then he turned around, running back inside the castle. I followed, confused. Clearly he knew something.

    "Arthur!" I exclaimed, "Where are we-"
     "The king's chambers!" He interposed, "He saw us-" A knight held his sword up to Arthur's chest, stopping him in his tracks, "What about the king's chambers?"

    "Take off your helmet." I ordered, "If you are who I think you are, I can help you." The knight took off his helmet. He shockingly looked like Fione.

    "Vimrose." I spoke, "Your cousin has been injured." Vimrose scowled, his face twisted in worry and anger, "Where is she?!" I took off my helmet too, showing that I can be trusted, "She is being treated by nurses but we need your help." Vimrose arched an eyebrow, skeptical, "With what?"

    "My father is missing and we need to find him before he reaches your parents..." I lowered my voice, glancing towards the Throne Room, "or Fione." Vimrose nodded solemnly, "I will help, but only if you can promise that my cousin will be safe." Arthur stepped forward, removing his helmet as well, "I can assure you that we have Hanaia's best nurses treating her." Vimrose's gaze went from Arthur to me, then me to Arthur.

    "I take your word for it." He said, "Where do we begin?"

    "King's chambers." Arthur replied as we all slid our helmets back on. We couldn't risk being recognized. Vimrose nodded, leading the way to the king's chambers. The bookshelf was still removed from in front of the hidden stairway. Vimrose shook his head, "I pray he doesn't know about this door." I heard Arthur let out a huff beside me. Even he thought that the chances if my father not knowing about the stairway were very low.

    "Follow." Vimrose ordered, starting down the stairs. Once down, we knocked on the door. The door swung open. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that Queen Crystalia was the one who opened it.

    "Vimrose?" She whispered.

    "It's me mother." He answered, "I-" She pushed him away, "You must leave! King Maxwell was just here! He knows about the stairwell!"

    "Where is he now?" Vimrose asked, his voice rising with panic.

     "He ventured to the door, but he didn't make it through." She replied, "I think he's trying to find another way in." Her face grew pale as she spoke. She was truly frightened, and she hadn't even learned about her niece yet.
    "I won't let anything happen to you or your husband, my queen." I said with a slight bow. She tilted her head, "Your queen? Kolt, when did I become your queen? You are as much a leader as I am." I shook my head, "I follow your leadership as of now. It is your kingdom and I don't know where to go or what to do here. I've heard tales of how you assisted your husband in war, I want you and your husband to lead."

    "Hanaia is going to prosper under your reign." She said with a smile, "Quick, come in." She escorted us inside. I turned to Arthur, lowering my voice to a whisper, "Go stay with Fione." He nodded, placed a fist over his heart, "Yes sir." I watched as he bolted away into the darkness. I heard the sound of his boots grow fainter and fainter.

    "Where is father?" Vimrose questioned. Crystalia ducked her head, "He went to fight." "He was supposed to stay here and stay safe!" Vimrose protested.
    "He didn't want to sit and do nothing while the rest of Jestan suffered." Crystalia told him in a soft tone, "You are very much like him." Vimrose placed his helmet on the ground, then faced his mother.

   "He's going to die." He stated grimly. Crystalia shook her head, "He is assisted by Fione." My heart skipped a beat. Fione was unconscious in the Throne Room, there was absolutely no way she was with the king.

   "Your majesty, Fione has been injured." I reported in a quiet voice. She turned to me, her expression grave but not shocked, "I'm aware. King Maxwell found her, but she ran before he could follow."

    "When did this happen?" I asked, panic rising in my chest. Crystalia sighed, "Right before you came."

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